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A weary-looking youth who had been for some time chanting dolefully: "Two packets of biscuits, please two packets of biscuits, please...." stopped one packet with his eye.

"I once asked the author," observed a weary-looking gentleman, speaking from a corner. "It wouldn't surprise me," observed a good-looking gentleman in a velvet coat, "if there occurred somewhere in the proceedings a drinking chorus for male voices."

His vehicle, a gilt coach which looks like the pictures of those of the seventeenth century, is often preceded by a band, while the priest within is arrayed in embroidered vestments. When the surra, or horse disease, had made a scarcity of those animals, the padre's gilded equipage had to be drawn by a cebu, or very small and weary-looking cow, imported from Indo-China.

So we knocked, and the door was opened by a pathetic shadow of an old woman, very poor and thin and weary-looking, who, although, as we presently learned, she was at the moment suffering from the recent loss of one eye, made us welcome and busied herself about tea, with an unselfish kindness that touched our hearts, and made us reflect on the angelic goodness of human nature sometimes.

Presently a stray ekka, drawn by a sorely weary-looking mule, appeared on the scene, and we seized upon it instantly, loaded it up with most of the baggage, and despatched coolies with the rest. After the storm came a holy calm, and we settled down to a light but welcome lunch before starting down the long slope into the valley.

The ladies, who were much the more numerous, wore their bonnets, like Miss Chancellor; the men were in the garb of toil, many of them in weary-looking overcoats. Two or three had retained their overshoes, and as you approached them the odour of the india-rubber was perceptible.

She had written a brief note to Donald, telling him that she was coming. The meeting took place in his father's house, the old people keeping guard, so as to be able to warn the fugitive should any stranger approach the house. "Donald!" "Minnie!" Then they shook hands. A mutual instinct caused them to shrink from endearments. Donald was brown, thin, and weary-looking.

As it was, she sate, pale and weary-looking, on the very edge of her chair; she uttered the formal words which Philip had told her were appropriate to the occasion, and she heartily wished herself safe at home and in bed.

Now and then they stopped at one of these out-of-the-way stations, and then a very weary-looking porter would come yawning up, and there would be a languid attempt at bustle and movement, and then the night mail would rush on again into the winter's night. Yes, it was mid-winter now, and bitterly cold.

It was a haggard and weary-looking bride that presented herself to the expectant bridegroom the next morning. The great circles under her eyes told the story of a sleepless night. But nothing in Taylor's manner betrayed that he noticed that she was looking otherwise than as usual. While she was dressing, Nora had come to a final decision.