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A quizzical expression passed over Dancing's face. "I didn't want to break the calm. When I see a man walking around a powder magazine I hate to do anything that might set it off. "So your name is Bucks," continued Dancing, as he walked through the wicket and threw his wet hat among the way-bills on the freight desk. "Well, Mr.

"I didn't mean to go at you with such a rush," apologized Jerry. "But you see " "That's all right," interrupted the freight agent. "Can I put my hands down now? The blood's all runnin' out of 'em, an' they feel as if they was goin' to sleep. That'll never do, as I've got a lot of way-bills to make out," and he lowered his arms. "Do you know anything about this?" asked Jerry, handing Mr.

'I can't do without them, and we've no time to waste. 'Presently, he said, smiling, and went off. I said nothing, reflecting that the stuff was for the Turks and they naturally had to have some say in its handling. The loading was practically finished when my gentleman returned. He handed me a neatly typed new set of way-bills.

'Now look here, Sir, I said, 'I don't stir from this place till I get the correct way-bills. If you won't give me them, I will have every item out of the trucks and make a new list. But a correct list I have, or the stuff stays here till Doomsday. He was a slim, foppish fellow, and he looked more puzzled than angry. 'I offer you enough, he said, again stretching out his hand.

So the night before Christmas, as Cowperwood was looking over some way-bills and certificates of consignment preparatory to leaving all in order for the intervening holiday, George Waterman came to his desk. "Hard at it," he said, standing under the flaring gaslight and looking at his brisk employee with great satisfaction.

And in the main offices of the National Provisions Company two rooms full of clerks were devoted to considering the duplicate way-bills of every car of flour or grain or grain product not shipped by the Barclay companies. Thus he was able to delay the cars of his competitors, and get his own cars through on time. Thus he was able to bribe buyers in wholesale establishments to push his products.

"I'm only trying to show you how crazy you are. Burning up way-bills isn't a circumstance to what you did just now. You are the looniest operator I ever saw." As he looked at Bucks he extended his finger impressively. "When you laid your hand on that man's shoulder to-night the one sitting on your stool I wouldn't have given ten cents for your life." Bucks regarded him with astonishment. "Why so?"

One morning, when way-bills indicated a probable glut of flour and a shortage of grain Frank saw it first the elder Waterman called him into his office and said: "Frank, I wish you would see what you can do with this condition that confronts us on the street. By to-morrow we're going to be overcrowded with flour. We can't be paying storage charges, and our orders won't eat it up.

He gathered up what waste paper was at hand, pushed it into the stove, and catching up the way-bills from the desk, threw them in on the paper and began to feel in his wet pockets for matches. "Hold on," cried Bucks. "What do you mean? You must be crazy!" he exclaimed, running to the stove and pulling the way-bills out. "Not half so crazy as you are," replied Dancing undisturbed.

Already swindling is tolerated in this profession: how many way-bills overcharged, erased, altered! how many stamps counterfeited! how much damage concealed or fraudulently compounded! how many lies as to quality! how many promises given and retracted! how many documents suppressed! what intrigues and combinations! and then what treasons!