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"He's a fine voodoo, with wavery arms and green eyes, and red glows." Watching narrowly its effect he swung off into one of the genuine old crooning voodoo songs, once so common down South, now so rarely heard. No one knows what the words mean they are generally held to be charm-words only a magic gibberish.

Had it meant death, Mr. Pendyce could not have passed one whose fathers had toiled for his fathers, eaten his fathers' bread, died with his fathers, without a word and a movement of his hand. "Evenin', Squire; nice evenin'. Faine weather fur th' hay!" The voice was warped and wavery. 'This is my Squire, it seemed to say, 'whatever ther' be agin him! Mr. Pendyce's hand went up to his hat.

It's a curious thing, that the more you hear about a grand and big and bully thing or person, the more it kind of dreamies out, as you may say, and gets to be a big dim wavery figger made out of moonshine and nothing solid to it. It's just so with George Washington, and the same with them pyramids. And moreover, besides, the thing they always said about them seemed to me to be stretchers.

Aunt Selina rose slowly and drew the folds of her dressing gown around her, away from the contamination of my touch. "Do you know what you are saying?" she demanded hoarsely. "I do." I was quite white and stiff from my knees up, but below I was wavery. I glanced at Jim for moral support, but he was looking idolatrously at Bella.

"Feeling better?" queried Milo. "Here, drink this." Gavin essayed to speak. His pose was not wholly assumed. For his head still swam and was intolerably painful. He sipped at the brandy which Standish held to his sagging lips. And, glancing toward Claire, he smiled, a somewhat wavery and wan smile. "Don't try to say anything!" she begged. "Wait till you are feeling better."

It's all dim, of course it's a long time ago and the names some of the names are wavery and indistinct but sho', I know it happened I can feel it! and lord, how it warms my heart, and brings back my lost youth! Well, well, well, I've got to come back into this work-a-day world now business presses and people are waiting I'll keep the rest for bed to-night, and live my youth over again.

They sat there and saw the animals suddenly grow clearly defined and very close, and discovered at last that they were sheep, and that a man was walking beside the flock; and even while they watched it and wondered if the sheep were really as close as they seemed, the vision slowly faded into blank, wavery distance and the mesa lay empty and quivering under the sun.

It's all dim, of course it's a long time ago and the names some of the names are wavery and indistinct but sho', I know it happened I can feel it! and lord, how it warms my heart, and brings back my lost youth! Well, well, well, I've got to come back into this work-a-day world now business presses and people are waiting I'll keep the rest for bed to-night, and live my youth over again.

Instantly he jumped on the horse block, pulled down his face long as he could, stretched his hands toward Laddie, and making his voice all wavery and tremulous, he began reciting from "Lochiel's Warning," in tones of agonizing pleading: "Laddie, Laddie, beware of the day!

Your shadow in London was rather a dim and wavery gentleman who caught up with you as you turned out of the shaded by-street; who went with you a distance and then shyly vanished, but was good company while he stayed, being restful, as your well-bred Englishman nearly always is, and not overly aggressive.