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So likewise the small terrestrial fire doth not burn so lively in dusky, dark, rainy weather, nor manifests it self with joy in its operation, as it doth when there is a fair, pure, serene, unfalsified heavenly Air; the reason is, because the sympathy is bound and hindered by the obstruction of those Accidents and the waterish Air, so that the attractive power is grieved, that it cannot accomplish its compleat Love and Operation as it should, for this hinderance brings the aquosity to the contrary Element.

It may be known by an aversion to venery, and taking no pleasure in the act of copulation when the seed is spent; the terms are phlegmatic, thick and slimy, and do not flow as they should; the womb is windy and the seed crude and waterish. It is the cause of obstructions and barrenness, and is hard to be cured. Cure.

Of the Spirit of Silver. The Tincture and spirit of Silver manifests its Colour of a Watchet or Sky-colour, otherwise it is a waterish Spirit, cold and moist, not so hot in its degree as that which is found in Gold, Mars, and Venus; for Luna is more phlegmatick than fiery, though it be brought by the Fire out of its waterish Substance into a coagulation; and even as the Metals gain their tinging Spirits and Coagulation, in like manner do stones get their fixedness, and colour, as out of one Influence.

She was somewhat older than M. Emanuel; he was then very young, for he is not much beyond forty." "Does he yet weep her?" "His heart will weep her always: the essence of Emanuel's nature is constancy." This was said with marked emphasis. And now the sun broke out pallid and waterish; the rain yet fell, but there was no more tempest: that hot firmament had cloven and poured out its lightnings.

The King of France and Duke of Burgundy were now called in to hear the determination of Lear about his youngest daughter, and to know whether they would persist in their courtship to Cordelia, now that she was under her father's displeasure, and had no fortune but her own person to recommend her: and the Duke of Burgundy declined the match, and would not take her to wife upon such conditions; but the King of France, understanding what the nature of the fault had been which had lost her the love of her father, that it was only a tardiness of speech, and the not being able to frame her tongue to flattery like her sisters, took this young maid by the hand, and saying that her virtues were a dowry above a kingdom, bade Cordelia to take farewell of her sisters and of her father, though he had been unkind, and she should go with him, and be queen of him and of fair France, and reign over fairer possessions than her sisters: and he called the Duke of Burgundy in contempt a waterish duke, because his love for this young maid had in a moment run all away like water.

But that Luna in the veins of the Earth is not furnished with such a hot substance or quality in its degree, but is subjected to a Waterish Nature; this fault lies upon that great Light of Heaven, which by reason of its Waterish influence, hath implanted such qualities in the other Creatures, and Planets of the Earth, than it hath in Silver.

Because the eye is moist above all parts of the body, and of a waterish nature; and as the water is clear and smooth, so likewise is the eye. Q. Why do men and beasts who have their eyes deep in their head best see far off? A. Because the force and power by which we see is dispersed in them, and both go directly to the thing which is seen.

Lastly, if it proceeds from the defective quality of the blood let some of it drop into a cloth, and when it is dry, you may judge, of the quality by the colour. If it be passionate it will be yellow; if melancholy, it will be black, and if phlegmatic, it will be waterish and whitish.

That there is less unity in the imitation of the epic poets, as is proved by the fact that any one work of theirs supplies matter for several tragedies; the result being that, if they take what is really a single story, it seems curt when briefly told, and thin and waterish when on the scale of length usual with their verse.

As for women, I think the principal cause is the moistness of their temper; this produceth a softness in the flesh, a shining smoothness, and their usual purgations. Now when wine is mixed with a great deal of weak liquor, it is overpowered by that, loses its strength, and becomes flat and waterish.