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But 'ow about the Tour of the Waterin' Places of England, Grubb? Singing! Young men of family doing it for a lark? You ain't got a bad voice, you know, and mine's all right. I never see a chap singing on the beach yet that I couldn't 'ave sung into a cocked hat. And we both know how to put on the toff a bit. Eh? Well, that's my ideer. Me and you, Grubb, with a refined song and a breakdown.

When his Aunt Sophie died, I promised her I'd raise him right. The work here don't amount to nothin', anyhow not if you compare it with what I done when I was a boy. Why, on my father's farm, up-state, I was out of my bed before sunup, winter and summer, doin' chores, milkin', waterin' the stock, hoein', and so on. What's a few dishes to that? What's a bed or two? and a little sweepin'? And look!

Uncle Jonas Bently told us he shouldn't think we would want to go round to waterin' troughs at our age. And I told him it wuzn't a waterin' trough, and if it wuz, I thought our age wuz jest as good a one as any, to go to it. He had the impression that Saratoga wuz a immense waterin' trough where the country all drove themselves summers to be watered.

And I sez to myself mekanicly, what if conflagrations should break out in Asia, or the chimbly get afire in Australia, or a earthquake take place in Africa, or a calf get into the waterin' trough at Jonesville, who would git it out or put 'em out?

Des you wait en lis'n. Mo' folks dan Marse Scoville wanter talk wid you on dis mar'age question. You on'y lil chile yit. Des you keep yosef deserved-like en say yo' mouf ain' waterin' few enybody. Marse Scoville berry nice gem'lin, but he yere to-day en like anuff a orful way yander termorrer "

In "the little house under the hill," the surface of which was a hot slate roof, Honora would awake about seven o'clock to find old Catherine bending over her in a dun-coloured calico dress, with the light fiercely beating against the closed shutters that braved it so unflinchingly throughout the day. "The birds are before ye, Miss Honora, honey, and your uncle waterin' his roses this half-hour."

'My noble boy! he sings out, fallin' all of a heap onto Augustus's round shoulders. 'My noble boy! My hero! "Nate looked on for a full minute with his mouth open. Olivia went away toward the house. The professor and Gus was sheddin' tears like a couple of waterin' pots. "'Come! come! says Scudder finally; 'get up, Mr. Dixland; you'll catch cold.

We had took a tower to see one of them dug up cities, and sure enough the water reservoir wuz twenty milds long; jest think from that what the size of the hull city must have been, when their waterin' trough, as you may say, wuz as long as America's biggest city. Stately stairways, up which twenty carriages big as our democrat could pass side by side if horses could climb stairs.

As the afternoon was stretching toward evening, Scattergood sauntered into Sheriff Ulysses Watts's barn. "Who's feedin' and waterin' Asa Levens's stock?" he asked. "Dummed if I didn't clean forgit 'em," confessed the sheriff. "Any objection if I look after 'em, Sheriff? Any logical objection? Hoss might need exercisin'. Can't never tell. Want I should drive up and do what's needed to be done?"

"But he doesn't want any job on the farm, Hepsey. He just wants you, that's all." "How do you know he does? Did he ever tell you?" "Hepsey Burke, don't you know who I'm alludin' at? Haven't you ever suspected nothin'?" "Yes, I've suspected lots of things. Now there's Jack Dempsey. I've suspected him waterin' the milk for some time. Haven't you ever suspected anythin' yourself, Jonathan?"