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At last they quite disappeared from the view round a projecting point of rock, and when she turned it, she found a battle royal going on over an old lobster-pot Conrade hand to hand with a stout fisher-boy, and Francis and sundry amphibious creatures of both sexes exchanging a hail of stones, water-smoothed brick-bats, cockle-shells, fishes' backbones, and other unsavoury missiles.

So, at one time, this arid plain had borne a forest. To the mind's eye, here lay the dead earth's burial-place. Ages ago a torrent had fertilized the surrounding tract, and its dried- up bed was marked by water-smoothed boulders. Here and there, small groups of dwarf bushes, covered with dagger-like thorns, drew sustenance from secret rills of moisture.

We found this a sweaty and stumbly task to stagger over the water-smoothed boulders of the wash, out across the shingle to the edge of the stream. There one of us dumped his burden into the cradle; and we proceeded to wash it out. We got the "colour" at once in the residuary black sand. All morning we laboured manfully, and discovered a brand new set of muscles.

From a narrow gorge, flanked by water-smoothed rock aprons, the river boiled between glassy perpendicular cliffs. "There ain't no swimming-holes in that there river," remarked Saleratus Bill grimly. Bob, leaning forward, could just catch a glimpse of the torrent raging and buffeting in the narrow box cañon, above which the mountains rose tremendous. No stream growths had any chance there.