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There are even blue dragon-flies which have ventured to descend, heaven knows from whence, and alight with quivering wings upon the miniature water-lilies.

When I had skirted a cotton-field the crop just out of the ground and a bit of wood on the right, and a swamp with a splendid display of white water-lilies on the left, and had begun to ascend the gentle slope, I met a man of considerably more than seventy-four years. "Can you tell me just where the Murat place is?" I inquired. He grinned broadly, and thought he could.

The seven stars of the Great Bear shone faintly, while large and lustrous in the crimson east flamed the morning star. A fresh breeze stirred the leaves, and dispersed the grey mists that floated above the lawn and veiled the smooth surface of the stream beside whose margin water-lilies and myosotis and white clover grew in abundance.

It was a plain little church, with unpainted pews; but the windows looked forth upon a green mountain side, and whispers of oaks and pines and river-music crept in, and the breath of sweet water-lilies, heaped in a great bowl upon the communion table of common stained cherrywood, floated up and filled the place.

The park, full of ferny depths, glorious old oaks and deep glades, stretched away on one side toward the soft recesses of the forest. On the other its wooded declivities sloped down to an idle brook now stopped up by water-lilies and white crowfoot.

Absolute quiet reigned within the magnificent banquet hall, . . the music had ceased, and not a sound could be heard, save the delicate murmur of the wind outside swaying the water-lilies on the moonlit lake.

She was not thinking of them at the moment, but of something else, perhaps of the blue water-lilies perhaps of the springbok but certainly not of them, as she tripped gaily along the edge of the lake. Her attention, however, was suddenly attracted to the birds.

She rowed by the outlaws without seeing them. They kept breathlessly still, but not for fear of being seen, but only to be able to really see her. As soon as she had gone they were as if changed from stone images to living beings. Smiling, they looked at one another. "She was white like the water-lilies," said one. "Her eyes were as dark as the water there under the pine-roots."

And if this story is true, he could not have been Veliant. He was wedded to a beautiful lady, who sometimes took the form of a swan, and flew away to a pleasant lake near by, where, with other swan-maidens, she spent the warm summer days among the reeds and the water-lilies.

Beware the king's anger O tempt not your fate, The white water-lilies your coming still wait; Wide open each flower until the twelfth hour Beware!" The old pendulum clock on the wall struck eleven. How fast the time had flown! The three beautiful maidens rose up hastily and departed, wishing a courteous "good night" and "good luck to you" to the company.