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The combustion heads of the cylinders were made of cast-iron, screwed into the steel cylinder barrels; the water-jacket was of spun aluminium, with one end fitting over the combustion head and the other free to slide on the cylinder; the water-joint at the lower end was made tight by a Dermatine ring carried between small flanges formed on the cylinder barrel.

Some waters contain a greater amount of impurities than others, and consequently the water space may furr up more rapidly in one district than in another. But this deposit, even under the worst conditions, accumulates very slowly, and the operation of cleaning out the water-jacket is a very infrequent necessity.

He cooled the cylinder by injecting water as well as using a water-jacket, and used flame instead of electric ignition. The consumption was now brought down to 87·5 cubic ft. At the second Parisian International Exhibition, 1867, an atmospheric engine, invented by Otto & Langen about this time, was shown.

I'll answer my own question by telling what actually did happen. Oil that was smoky at a lower point than its flash was being used in the machinery not really three-hundred-and-sixty-degree oil. The water-jacket had been tampered with, too. More than that, there is a joint in the pipe leading down into the tunnel, where explosive gases can collect.

Finally the subaltern chose three Rhodesians and his Haussa sergeant. Taking a compass bearing of the position of one of the machine-guns, for the cloud of steam arising from its overheated water-jacket disclosed its place of concealment, Wilmshurst made a careful note of the fact for subsequent use.

"Why in thunder can't you keep your filthy tea-kettle in its own place, instead of bringing it here to draw fire?" inquired Mr. Cockerell, not altogether unreasonably, as Ayling and his satellites passed along the trench bearing the offending weapon, with water-jacket aboil, back to its official residence. "It is all for your good, my little man," explained Ayling loftily.

This is a water and explosion joint; hence it has not only to prevent water entering the cylinder from the water-jacket, but also to be sufficiently strong to withstand the pressure generated in the cylinder when the charge is fired. For this purpose specially prepared coppered asbestos rings are used, which will stand both water and intense heat.

The maxim on its tripod mounting was set up to enable it to sweep the expected column with an oblique fire, its panther-skin encased water-jacket being camouflaged by foliage carefully placed so as not to obstruct the sights.

Wright's engine of 1833 used a mixture of combustible gas and air, which operated like steam in a steam engine. This engine had a water-jacket, centrifugal governor, and flame ignition. In 1838 Barnett applied the principle of compression to a single-acting engine.

A small drain cock is shown at DC, through which the water in the cylinder water-jacket may be drawn off when required. The pipes leading to the inlet and outlet of this supply are connected to the cooling water tank by means of a couple of broad, flat nuts and lead washers, one inside and the other outside the tank, the latter, when clamped up well, making a perfectly water-tight joint.