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It would be a shame to assail the animals with the spear, when such multitudes of victims lie here, that will be lost as food for the want of mouths to consume themNo, no, Judgereturned Natty, his tall figure stalking over the narrow beach, and ascending to the little grassy bottom where the fish were laid in piles; “I eat of no man’s wasty ways.

If they had fur, like the beaver, or you could tan their hides, like a buck, something might be said in favor of taking them by the thousand with your nets; but as God made them for man’s food, and for no other disarnable reason, I call it sinful and wasty to catch more than can be eat

You have driven me, that have lived forty long years of my appointed time in this very spot, from my home and the shelter of my head, lest you should put your wicked feet and wasty ways in my cabin.

Oliver, and now I have got one Twill go home, for I don’t relish to see these wasty ways that you are all practysing, as if the least thing wasn’t made for use, and not to destroy“Thou sayest well, Leather-Stockingcried Marmaduke, “and I begin to think it time to put an end to this work of destruction“Put an ind, Judge, to your clearings. Ain’t the woods His work as well as the pigeons?

"Master be hanged!" says I, turning round, more misrable than ever. I woodn't have moved that day for twenty thousand masters no, not for the Empror of Russia or the Pop of Room. Well, to cut this sad subjik short, many and many a voyitch have I sins had upon what Shakspur calls the "wasty dip," but never such a retched one as that from Dover to Balong, in the year Anna Domino 1818.

As for me, I shall take Master Cap's advice, and try and make a man of myself by seeing what is to be done on the salt water." "You, Jasper Western! you quit the lakes, the forests, and the lines; and this, too, for the towns and wasty ways of the settlements, and a little difference in the taste of the water.

But she gave him a stern lecture on the way home, advising him not to be so hasty and so wasty next time. "Sirrah Stupid," she said as she set him down by his cottage gate, "better not kill at all than take the lives of poor tame creatures. I have saved your life this once, but next time you will have to suffer.

“It’s better for you, maybe, Billy Kirbyreplied the indignant old hunter, “and all them that don’t know how to put a ball down a rifle- barrel, or how to bring it up again with a true aim; but it’s wicked to be shooting into flocks in this wasty manner, and none to do it who know how to knock over a single bird.

“Haven’t I told you more than once, not to tempt mehe said. “I trouble no man; why can’t the law leave me to myself? Go back go back, and tell your Judge that he may keep his bounty; but I won’t have his wasty ways brought into my hut