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Thus, in the collapse of his fortunes, the son grew all-important in the father's eyes. Nor did his own poverty seem to him a just bar to his son's prosperity. "I have put him through his Arts," thought Gourlay; "surely he can do the rest himsell. Lots of young chaps, when they warstle through their Arts, teach the sons of swells to get a little money to gang through Diveenity.

"Ye see the bridge hes been shaken wi' this winter's flood, and we daurna venture on it, sae we hev tae ford, and the snaw's been melting up Urtach way. There's nae doot the water's gey big, and it's threatenin' tae rise, but we 'ill win through wi' a warstle.

He was a manly, pleasant lad, in the days when I kenned him. I daresay his long warstle with the world didna leave him altogether scatheless; but he's out of the world's grip now, I believe. God bless my bairn, and the man of her choice." There was a moment's silence. Mrs Snow turned to the window, and her husband sat watching her, his brow a little clearer, but not quite clear yet.

The best sheep-dog as iver penned a flock Adam M'Adam's Red Wull!" He pauses, the pewter at his lips, and looks at his audience with flashing eyes. There is no response from them. "Wullie, here's to you!" he cries. "Luck and life to ye, ma trusty fier! Death and defeat to yer enemies!" "'The warld's warld's wrack we share o't, The warstle and the care o't;"

"Highlanders!" repeated Catharine, as if haunted by some idea which troubled her senses. "Highlanders! Oh, Conachar Conachar!" "Indeed, and I dare say you have lighted on the very man, Catharine. They quarrelled, as you saw, on the St. Valentine's Even, and had a warstle. A Highlandman has a long memory for the like of that.

Wi' his help, a man may warstle throu' onything. I say I think it was himsel' tuik me throu' 't, an' here I stan' afore ye, ready for the neist trible, an' the help 'at 'll come wi' 't. What it may be, God only knows!" He was interrupted by the sudden opening of the door, and the voice of the factor in exultant wrath. "MacPhail!" it cried. "Come out with you. Don't think to sneak there.

"Ye see the bridge hes been shakin' wi' this winter's flood, and we daurna venture on it, sae we hev tae ford, and the snaw's been melting up Urtach way. There's nae doot the water's gey big, and it's threatenin' tae rise, but we 'ill win through wi' a warstle.

"Ye see the bridge hes been shaken wi' this winter's flood, and we daurna venture on it, sae we hev tae ford, and the snaw's been melting up Urtach way. There's nae doot the water's gey big, and it's threatenin' tae rise, but we 'ill win through wi' a warstle.

"Dinna warstle yersel' to death, Aggie," he said. "I maun haud up wi' my man," she replied. "He's a het man at the scythe ower het! He'll be fit for naething or the week be oot. He canna haud on at this rate!" "Ay can he fine that! Ye dinna ken oor yoong laird. He's worth twa ordinar' men. An' gien ye dinna think me fit to gather til' 'im, I s' lat ye see ye're mistaen, Mr. Crawford."

MacLure escaped with a broken leg and the fracture of three ribs, but he never walked like other men again. He could not swing himself into the saddle without making two attempts and holding Jess's mane. Neither can you "warstle" through the peat bogs and snow drifts for forty winters without a touch of rheumatism.