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She slipped back onct or twict at night to see us, but dat was all. She hired out to some folks dat warnt rich' nough to have no' slaves o' dey own. Dey was good to her, too. "When my ma went off a old woman called Aunt Emmaline kep' me. I think it was 'cause de marster laked me an' was always a-pettin' me. She was jealous. "She was always a-tryin' to whip me for somethin' or nother.

Church platform, says she, with a toss of her bead, like a young colt that's got a check of the curb, I guess I warnt raised under a platform at all, but in as good a house as yourn, grand as you be you said well said the old minister, quite shocked, when you said you growed up, dear, for you have grown up in great ignorance.

'Course, ever' marster warnt as free handed as our'n was. "I warnt learnt nothin' in no book. Don't think I'd a-took to it, nowhow. Dey learnt de house servants to read. Us fiel' han's never knowed nothin' 'cept weather an' dirt an' to weigh cotton. Us was learnt to figger a little, but dat's all.

Poor thing, she looked half starved and half savage, hunger and temper had made proper strong lines in her face, like water furrows in a ploughed field; she looked bony and thin, like a horse, that has had more work than oats, and had a wicked expression, as though it warnt over safe to come too near her heels an everlastin kicker. You may come out, John, said she to her husband, its only Mr.

I reckon, said the Clockmaker, as we strolled through Amherst, you have read Hook's story of the boy that one day asked one of his father's guests who his next door neighbor was, and when he heerd his name, asked him if he warnt a fool. No, my little feller, said he, he beant a fool, he is a most particular sensible man; but why did you ax that are question?

De young marster called us in an' said it was all true, dat us was free as he was, an' us could leave whenever us got ready. He said his money warnt no good anymore an' he dida' have no other to pay us wid. "I can't recollec' if he got new money an' paid us or not, but I do 'member ever' las' one o' us stayed. "I never lef' dat place' til my young marster, Mr.

"Old Mis' wouldn' have nothin' more to do wid 'er, same as if she warnt her own chil'. But I'd go over to see 'er an' carry milk an' things out o' de garden. "It was pitiful to see my little miss poor.

"Spirits? Yessir I believe in them, but we warnt bothered so much by them in them days but we was by the wild animals. Why after it got dark we children would have to stay indoors for fear of them.

"Then they are leagues away by this." "They be, for a fact. Their horses was fresh and they was powerful keen. They was just sweaten' to git home." "And Rafael Carillo? Did he go with them?" "He didn't. He allowed to, but his father warnt agreeable. In fact he was savin' your grace cussed disagreeable.

I warnt thee!" and again, "I warnt thee, Frarsty! Frarsty! Frar r r rsty!" drawn out in an inconceivable passionlessness of desire again and again, till I felt myself absorbing the ridiculous yearning for an absurd person and inclined to weep hysterical tears at his unresponsiveness.