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"Wal, now, sonny, you ain’t really wantin’ this here book back? Never knowed any li’l boy what warn’t glad to see th’ last o’ a book. Better git away from a real man ’fore you gits yore backside warmed. That’s what th’ teacher does to smarty kids, ain’t it?" "You’d better watch out, Sam." Again the tall man cut in.

And Topham’s face was sober when he had finished. The gambler brought the top book of the pile down on the bar with a thud. "I don’t like it!" "Jus’ ornery meanness, warn’t it? There’s always a few hombres in any outfit as tries to push when they gits a slug or two under their belts," Nye observed. "True. Only Helms went out of his way this time. And I’d like to know what triggered him into it.

"It was Kitchell’s men who shot him?" León wanted to know. "Could be. Warn’t no Apaches, that’s for certain. No Injun would have jus’ shot him down an’ not made sure he was crow bait. Sure a fool thing to do, ridin’ there alone. Anyway, th’ Old Man’ll stick him into bed here, an’ I’ll bet you Johnny ain’t gonna ride out anywhere without an eye on himnot for a good long while."

There’re some equal hot-heads in Bayliss’ camp, and if Johnny goes up against one of them, a scuffle could become a battle." "Yeah, an’ that warn’t all Johnny was doin’ last night." Kells shifted his tobacco cud from one cheek to the other.

At this speech Kate smiled in spite of her tears, and Mr. Middleton went on: "But he warn’t as handsome as his sister, and I’ll be skinned if I ever seen anybody that was. Tempest can’t hold a candle to her, for all she feels so crank. Why, Kit, or Kate, what’s yer name? You’re as handsome as a pictur!" Mr. Miller probably thought so too, if the admiring look which he gave her was any criterion.

Fenner signaled once more and the train began the slower trip southward. Drew sat watching the dust arise again as the trio of riders pounded away. He could no longer make out individual riders, just the rising dust. Rennie on his way to Johnny Shannon ... What had Fenner said-"li’l cub ... warn’t more ’n four." Drew Rennie at fourhard to sort out one very early memory from another.

W’at was de ’casion o’ dat long delay?” “De ’casion? W’y man alive, I couldn’t git a dog gone soul in de town to wait on me.” “Dat boy kin lie, yas,” said Aunt Belindy, “God A’mighty knows ever time I ben to Centaville dem sto’ keepas ain’t done a blessed t’ing but settin’ down.” “Settin’ down Lord! dey warn’t settin’ down to-day; you heah me.”

Th’ Old Man musta lit into him hot an’ heavy, chewed him out good. I’d say they warn’t even talkin’ by th’ time they pulled up here. Seems like th’ kid got an idear to scout north, struck trace near th’ Long Canyon, rode th’ sign on his own an’ was bushwacked. Guess whoever did it thought Johnny was wolf meat, jus’ took his hoss an’ left him there.

Johnny warn’t more’n four o’ thereabouts when Don Cazar went back to Texas an’ got him. Don Cazar’s been like a pa to Johnny since, an’ a mighty good one, too. But when th’ Rangers was round here in ’62 Johnnyhe had a big row an’ run off to join ’em. Jus’ a half-growed kid, not big ’nough to raise a good brush o’ hair on his chin yet.

"Laws a massy!" she continued, reminiscently, working her toothless jaw to free it from an escaped splinter from the snuff-brush. "When me an’ paw war keepin’ comp’ny, satin warn’t good enough for me. He lowed I wuz to have half creation. Sence we wuz married he ’ain’t never found time, endurin’ all these years, to build me a bird-house."