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"Non-conformity, hinnie," sighed Mause, "is the name that thae warldly men gie us." "Weel, aweel we'll hae to gang to a far country, maybe twall or fifteen miles aff. I could be a dragoon, nae doubt, for I can ride and play wi' the broadsword a bit, but ye wad be roaring about your blessing and your grey hairs."

"Why, what meaneth this, Jeanie?" said the old man "The brown four-year-auld's milk is not seiled yet, nor the bowies put up on the bink. If ye neglect your warldly duties in the day of affliction, what confidence have I that ye mind the greater matters that concern salvation?

But one Sunday that George, admiring his stock, inadvertently proposed to him an exchange of certain animals, he rebuked the young man with awful gravity. "Is this a day for warldly dealings?" said he. "Hoo div ye think to thrive gien y'offer your mairchandeeze o' the Sabba day!" George colored up to the eyes.

"That shall they never, I trow," echoed Mause; "castaways are they ilk ane o' them besoms of destruction, fit only to be flung into the fire when they have sweepit the filth out o' the Temple whips of small cords, knotted for the chastisement of those wha like their warldly gudes and gear better than the Cross or the Covenant, but when that wark's done, only meet to mak latchets to the deil's brogues."

"You are a simpleton," said Nigel, who felt, however, much conscience- struck; "I never play but for small sums." "Ay, my lord," replied the unyielding domestic, "and still with reverence it is even sae much the waur. If you played with your equals, there might be like sin, but there wad be mair warldly honour in it.

"Weel, weel, laddie, remember what day it is. Ye ken weel it's no day for warldly amusement." "Ay, Mither," replied her son, smiling a little at the associating of Mr. Wigglesworth with amusement of any sort on any day. In abundance of time Malcolm was ready to allow a quiet, unhurried walk with his mother which would bring them to the church a full quarter of an hour before the hour of service.

"I told her," said Richie, "about your warldly fortune, and sae forth, something whilk is not truth just at this time; but which hath been truth formerly, suld be truth now, and will be truth again, and that was, that you were in possession of your fair lands, whilk ye are but in right of as yet.

And then to see a' ane's warldly substance capering in the air in a pair of weighbauks, now up, now down, as the breath of judge or counsel inclines it for pursuer or defender, troth, man, there are times I rue having ever begun the plea wark, though, maybe, when ye consider the renown and credit I have by it, ye will hardly believe what I am saying.

"Non-conformity, hinnie," sighed Mause, "is the name that thae warldly men gie us." "Weel, aweel we'll hae to gang to a far country, maybe twall or fifteen miles aff. I could be a dragoon, nae doubt, for I can ride and play wi' the broadsword a bit, but ye wad be roaring about your blessing and your grey hairs."

Why, man! it's my rule never to think on warldly business on the Sabbath, and though I did a' I could to keep your note that I gat this morning out o' my head, yet I thought mair on it a' day, than on the preaching And it's my rule to gang to my bed wi' the yellow curtains preceesely at ten o'clock unless I were eating a haddock wi' a neighbour, or a neighbour wi' me ask the lass-quean there, if it isna a fundamental rule in my household; and here hae I sitten up reading gude books, and gaping as if I wad swallow St.