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An annual muster is made of the Algerian males of eighteen years of age available for military service. The Commission appointed for the purpose reported in 1911 that, after the introduction of the limited service in the army and the reserve, there would be in Algeria and Tunisia combined some 100,000 to 120,000 native soldiers available in war-time.

He may not, like his vassals, point with the finger, and without pointing an African can hardly give an order. Professor Smith writes "Sangala woo," and tells us that it was always kept fresh in the house, to be rolled in the hands when invoking the Fetish during war-time; moreover, it was chewed to be spat at the enemy.

Here are multitudes of men far from home, shut out from the society of all good women, taken away from their church and its surroundings, weary and wet with marching and drilling, often lonely and dejected, in an atmosphere of profanity and obscenity in the cheerless barrack rooms, and tempted by the animal passions which are always loosed in war-time.

"That's about it," said Zaidos, nodding. "I must go back at once. The doctor's car will take me close to the barracks. I must get there before dawn." He went to the window and looked out. "I have no time to waste!" he cried. "But look here, if you are caught, it means desertion," said Velo. "Yes!" "In war-time that means death," said Velo. "Yes, but I am not going to be caught," answered Zaidos.

"I wish it were," said he; "but in general it is safe not to speak of a fight till it is over." "Then it is not over?" "I have not heard that it is." "But they tell me a fight has been won." "They tell every conceivable thing in war-time," said the major. "Don't you know that? It is safe to believe nothing." "Has Johnston joined Beauregard?" "I am afraid he has.

"You forget that we live in France in war-time, and not in the kingdom of heaven. I was toiling for more than my own revenges. I was working at your cousin Mayenne's commands, to aid our holy cause, for the preservation of the Catholic Church and the Catholic kingdom of France." "Your conversion is sudden, then; only an hour ago you were working for nothing and no one but Paul de Lorraine."

It was Derry's war-time offering. No other candies were permitted by Margaret's patriotism. Her children ate molasses on their bread, maple sugar on their cereal. Her soldier was in France, and there were other soldiers, not one of whom should suffer because of the wanton waste of food by the people who stayed softly at home. "You tell us a story, Uncle Derry," Teddy pleaded as he ate his taffy.

However brave the Wagunda may be within the strong enclosure with which they have surrounded their principal village, they are not exempt from the feeling of insecurity which fills the soul of a Mnyamwezi during war-time.

As far as that went, I might ride in peace. On the other hand, if I let them carry me across the border my fate was sealed. A man set down without credentials or guards among the wild desperadoes who swarmed in war-time in the Asturian passes might consider himself fortunate if an easy death fell to his lot. In my case I could make a shrewd guess what would happen.

I eyed the bowl and pitcher gloomily, the hard-looking bed, the tiny square of carpeting in the center of the stone floor. "Your house, Madame," I suggested craftily, with a view to reconnoissance, "is, of course, full?" She heaved a sigh. "It is war-time, Monsieur," she lamented. "None travel now. Yet why should I mourn, since I make enough to keep me till the war is ended and my man comes home?