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Yet, as you must know, he had been brought up in luxury and reared in a shade, was inexperienced of the world, and had never travelled. The thunder of the great war-drum had never rattled in his ears, nor had the lightning of the trooper's scimitar ever flashed across his eyes: He had never fallen a captive into the hands of an enemy, nor been overwhelmed amidst a shower of their arrows.

And so, too, the born warrior becomes a political leader; and politics, if it does not do any of the things it professes to do, plays yet an invaluable part in modern life, bridging over, perchance, the transition from the bellicose ages to those belauded days when the war-drum shall throb no longer, "and the kindly earth shall slumber, lapt in universal law."

His breath was short and his heart was beating as a war-drum beats, in the black dark of the lodge. Sweat cold sweat, that great fear always brings to the weak-hearted was dripping from his body, and once he thought that he would wait for another night, but greed whispered again, and listening to its voice, he stole the leggings from under the Sun's head.

I say a third time that I have to make somebody understand this thing. Let us try it again now, just once again. Let us suppose that there had not been any little independence or any pension. Who can think what it would have meant to us? Who can think what it would mean never to have read Ring out, wild bells, or When the war-drum throbs no longer, or Crossing the bar. Never to have read

The mantle of peace is over our entire land, and prosperity within all our borders. "'Till the war-drum throbs no longer, And the battle-flags are furled In the parliament of man, The federation of the world.

It need not, therefore, deny nor delay the dawn of the Millennial day, which the poet beheld, when 'The war-drum throbbed no longer, and the battle-flags were furled, In the Parliament of man, the Federation of the world. "Tick, tick, tick," urged my watch. But I made no reply. "Why, then," it continued, "do we consent to look longer to Europe for any of the essential conveniences of life?

At the same time the war-drum was beaten on every side. To fight was impossible; a palaver had to be held. In a word, the English had to own their powerlessness. The almamy dictated the conditions of peace, mulcted the whites of a few more presents, and ordered them to withdraw by way of Fouta Toro.

Of all who fell, not a single body remained, for if they dropped dead upon the path they were pushed aside in the mêlée and instantly disappeared. Again and again our companions sent up their shrill yells and the war-drum was thumped with ear-piercing effect, while opposition shouts rose from our Arab enemies. Still the fight continued as stubborn as it had begun.

A murderous mania hath everywhere seized upon the minds of men. The pulse of the race is beating the reveille; the soul of the world is sounding "boots and saddles." Savagery is reasserting itself the Christian nations are further than ever before from that age of gold, "When the war-drum throbs no longer, And the battle-flags are furled In the parliament of man, The federation of the world."

War!" said McTurk, jerking his head toward the wall, where hung a small wooden West-African war-drum, a gift to McTurk from a naval uncle. "Then we shall be turned out of the study again," said Beetle, who loved his flesh-pots. "Mason turned us out for just warbling on it." Mason was the mathematical master who had testified in Common-room. "Warbling? O Lord!" said Abanazar.