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Peter Crusat Sick with a violent Cold, my man Y. better. all hands employed about the Pickets & gates of the fort. we were informed day before yesterday that a whale had foundered on the coast to the S. W. near the Kil a mox N. and that the greater part of the Clat Sops were gorn for the oile & blubber, the wind proves too high for us to proceed by water to See this monster, Capt Lewis has been in readiness Since we first heard of the whale to go and see it and collect Some of its Oil, the wind has proved too high as yet for him to proceed- this evining a young Chief 4 Men and 2 womin of the War ci a cum Nation arrived, and offered for Sale Dressed Elk Skins and Wap pa to, the Chief made us a preasent of about 1/2 a bushel of those roots. and we purchased about 11/2 bushels of those roots for which we gave Some fiew red beeds Small peaces of brass wire & old Check those roots proved a greatfull addition to our Spoiled Elk, which has become verry disagreeable both to the taste & Smell we gave this Chief a Medal of a Small Size and a piece of red riben to tie around the top of his hat which was of a Singular Construction Those people will not Sell all their Wap pa to to us they inform us that they are on their way to trade with the Chit Sops.

"Good luck to ye!" cried Roy, grasping it and shaking it with a feeling of hearty hospitality. "It's good to see yer face, though it is a strange un; but hallo! I say yer face ain't so strange, after all! what! Why, you're not Wap Wap Wapaw!" The Indian displayed all his teeth, which were very numerous and remarkably white, and nodded his head gently.

Thirty barrels of powther, landed out of a Dunkirk dogger in the auld lord's time a' in the vau'ts of the auld tower, the fire canna be far off it, I trow. Lord's sake, to the right, lads to the right; let's pit the hill atween us and peril, a wap wi' a corner-stane o' Wolf's Crag wad defy the doctor!"