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William Wilson of Wandsworth Common, formerly of Wilsontown, in Lanarkshire. E.H. Locker, then Secretary of Greenwich Hospital. See ante, Oct. 7. King John, Act I. Sc. 1. There were two well-known Frenchmen of this name at the time of Scott's visit to Paris: Jean-Antoine-Gauvain Gallois, who was born about 1755 and died in 1828; Charles-André-Gustave-Léonard Gallois, born 1789, died 1851.

"I will play an accompaniment for you." "All right. See here: you need only play these three chords. When one sounds wrong, play another. Youll learn it in a moment." Marmaduke's voice was not so fresh, nor his fun so spontaneous, as at Wandsworth; but they were not critical enough to appreciate the difference: they laughed like children at him.

The Sponges for our friend married Lucy shortly after the steeple-chase stayed at Nonsuch House until the bailiffs walked in. Sir Harry then bolted to Boulogne, where he shortly afterwards died, and Bugles very properly married my lady. They are now living at Wandsworth; Mr. Bugles and Lady Scattercash, very 'much thought of' as Bugles says. Although Mr.

For he was not altogether virgin to the experience he was undergoing. It belonged to certain moods of his childhood and his adolescence when more than once, in Wandsworth Parish Church, he had been stirred mysteriously by the tender music of the Evening Service, and by the singing of certain hymns. There were layers upon layers of emotion sunk beyond memory in Ranny's soul.

His cunning in this matter beat her clean how he found the things to do he did do; the things, the frightful things he did about the house with bannisters and windows, of which she knew. As for the things he found to do with bicycles on Wandsworth Common and Putney Hill they were known mainly to his Maker and Fred Booty.

"Anyway, I'm on the right track," Field cried. "If what I ask is a fact, then the people at the sub-office will be able to tell me the date that parchment was sold. I see there is a number on the stamp. If I take that to Somerset House " Field spent half an hour at Somerset House, and then he took a cab to Wandsworth. He stopped at the Inland Revenue Office there and sent in his card.

One night, early in November, as they were going over Wandsworth Bridge, the question that had been burning in him suddenly flared up. "What has become of your friend Miss Usher?" "Nothing," said Winny, "has become of her. She's gone home. Her father sent for her." "What ever for?" "To look after her. She never should have left home."

She was greatly struck by the amount of open land in the neighborhood of London the commons between Wandsworth and Streatham, and so forth and she was pleased with the appearance of the country about Red Hill. Finally, with just a glimpse of a great mass of gray houses filling a vast hollow and stretching up the bare green downs beyond, they found themselves in Brighton.

Meanwhile, absolutely unconscious of the dangers that were rapidly closing around her, Beatrice took her way to Wandsworth. Richford had been ingenious enough to see that Beatrice would go down by rail, as she had very little money to spare, so that if they desired it, the two conspirators could have got there before her.

Ransome laughed softly in her pride. "He couldn't be much more than He is. Why, He doctors half the poor people in Wandsworth. They all come to Him, whether it's toothache or bronchitis or the influenza, or a housemaid with a whitlow on her finger, and He prescribes for all. If all the doctors in Wandsworth died to-morrow some of us would be no worse off."