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"I'll have to ask you to go inside an' occupy one of your own cells, sheriff, while I'm wanderin' around an' debatin' the subject." "I know you too well, Rathburn," said the sheriff with a grim smile. "I'm not armed, and I don't intend to obey you. If you intend to shoot you might just as well start!" Rathburn gazed at him coolly for a moment; then he shoved his gun in its holster and leaped.

And crowds of older folks wuz there. And some happy young couples, youths and maidens, wuz a settin' round, and a wanderin' off by themselves, and amongst them we see the form of Ardelia, and a young man by her side. She wuz a leanin' on the stun railin' that fences in the trout pond.

"I'm afeard," said he, "that my heart wasn't properly in them, for I couldn't prevent my mind from wanderin' to our boy." This touching observation took the mother's affections by surprise. A tear started to her eye, but, after what was evidently a severe struggle, she suppressed it. "It's not at once you can do it, Fardorougha; so don't be cast down.

The silence had continued for some moments, when the colonel put down his glass and gazed earnestly into the distance. "Seein' anything?" remarked the man on the bench, who had sleepily regarded him. "No," said the colonel, "that is it's only Dick Ruggles crossin' the road." "Thought you looked a little startled, ez if you'd seen that ar wanderin' stranger."

What feelin's I had as I looked on it and meditated, what riz up feelin's them old four fathers that carried it must have had, and them that follered on, led as they wuz by heavenly light, fed by heavenly food. How could they acted as they did, rambelous often and often, wanderin' from the right road, but still not gittin' away from the Divine care.

"'Wirra! wirra! sez the mother, 'it's wanderin' she is, the darlin'; for Scotty, don't ye see, was the grand barkeeper of the hotel. "'Savin' yer presence, ma'am, sez I, 'and the child's here, ez is half a saint already, it's thruth she's spakin' it's Scotty she wants. And with that my angel blinks wid her black eyes 'yes. "'Bring him, says the docthor, 'at once.

I've lost a husband, so have you; I lost a daughter, you lost two; my son sleeps at the bottom of the sea, but your son .Nancy, Nancy, when I go home to-night, I'll get down on my knees an' thank God that my boy is sleepin' at the bottom of the sea instead of wanderin' the earth a shame an' a disgrace to me. "You see, child, that was before my Danny come back to me to be reconciled to His God.

'Tis not a ro'd proper but indistink like an' wanderin'. So Ah be feared o' missin' it." "T' owd Drovers' Track, tha meanst. 'Tis easy findin'," said the girl. "Thou turn'st off to left by two thorns wi' a white stone by root o' t' girt 'un. But they stand a long mile down t' road.

And I guess Dorothy thought so too; she almost always thought jest as Robert did. In wanderin' round this uneek city Josiah said the most he thought on wuz of tellin' Deacon Henzy and Uncle Sime Bentley about what he see there. And shadowy idees seemed to fill his mind about tryin' to turn the Jonesville creek through the streets and goin' from our house to Thomas Jefferson's in a gondola.

He hain't never ben no 'count sence, till lately. Now an' then he'd take a long, wanderin' trip back into these yere gloomy ol' gulches, an' I've seed them as say they've heerd him away off in the hills at night a callin' his pardner's name, an' a sobbin' an' a carryin' on.