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But Alix did not stop playing; and Suzanne, wrapped in her shawl and turning upon herself, cried, "Play on!" I understood her intention in an instant. Harp and flute sounded on, and Suzanne, ever gliding, waltzing, leaping, her arms gracefully lifted above her head, softly waved her scarf, giving it a thousand different forms.

Upjohn had apostatized from the Presbyterian Church, disapproving of its tenets as regarded waltzing, was duly started, denied, violently adopted, and as violently exploded. The statements that Jake Dexter was engaged to Nellie Atterbury, that Bell Masters had offered herself to Mr.

He was now waltzing with Aurelia Fitzloom, and was at the head of a band of adventurous votaries of Terpsichore; who, wearied with the commonplace convenience of a saloon, had ventured to invoke the Muse on the lawn. "A most interesting sight, Lady Madeleine!" said Mr.

March, who turned her face away; and she excused herself with the pretence that she had promised the dance, and by good fortune, Burnamy, who had been unscrupulously waltzing with a lady he did not know, came up at the moment. She rose and put her hand on his arm, and they both bowed to the officer before they whirled away.

At that, she began to act most curiously, stepping to the right and pointing a toe, stepping to the left and pointing a toe; setting down one heel, setting down the other; then taking a waltzing turn. "Oh!" said Gwendolyn, understanding. "Well, if that's all you want to do," she said unconcernedly, "why, dance." "Yes, dance," broke in the Man-Who-Makes-Faces, snapping his fingers.

Immediately I felt in my hand a delightful figure one of those full but supple figures; and while waltzing, quite enchanted, I was saying to myself, 'She isn't really thin! she isn't really thin! I took her back to her place after the waltz, and went at once to her mother to ask for her hand, which was granted me.

They were miserably clad; and the pavement was so cold, you would have thought no one could lay a naked foot on it unflinching. Yet they came along waltzing, if you please, while the elder sang a tune to give them music.

"Yes, on the terrace," said Le Brede, warmly. "A curtain of orange-trees will protect us from the vulgar gaze." "Oh! Mademoiselle, what a dream!" sighed Du Tremblay, approaching Suzanne. "Waltzing with you! By moonlight." "Yes, friend Pierrot!" sang Suzanne, bursting into a laugh.

After it, when the Byrds found themselves in their cozy bedroom with its old New England furniture and blue-tiled bathroom, Stefan, waltzing round the room, fairly hugged Mary in excited glee. "What fun, Beautiful, what a lovely place, what air, what snow!" She laughed with him, her own heart bounding with unwonted excitement. The six-day party was a marked success throughout.

Before Cynthia could realize what had happened or was happening, Joyce seized her and began waltzing madly around the library, alternately laughing, sobbing, hugging, and shaking her distractedly. "Stop, stop, Joyce! Please!" she begged breathlessly. "Have you gone crazy? You act so! What is the matter?" "Matter! You ask me that?" panted Joyce. "You great big stupid!