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"The service of France, monsieur, is more important than your private affairs. I beg of you that you leave here at once." "But why, my friend? We can leave just as well in the morning. The box is safe." He felt his waistcoat pocket. "Safe, monsieur! Let me tell you that neither the box nor you yourself are safe for a moment, as long as you remain in Brussels.

"Give me less comfort, that I may give my mother more; a little money, ever so little, and take it out of my board: I can do with one meal a day, sir." The bookseller was moved: he took a huge pinch of snuff out of his waistcoat pocket, and mused a moment. He then said, as he re-examined Philip: "Well, young man, I'll tell you what we will do.

Here Malachi would have laid out the black swallow-tail coat with the high velvet collar, trousers to match, double-breasted waistcoat with gilt buttons, and fluffy cravat of white silk. Then, while his master was dressing, the old servant would slip down-stairs and begin arranging the several rooms for the evening's guests for there were always guests at night.

About a yard in front of me I could see M. Faille balancing himself on his chair, one hand on his waistcoat and the fingers of the other hand in his enormous nostrils. This disgusted me horribly. Lambert Thiboust was seated near him, his handsome face smiling as he looked at me encouragingly.

If they had not stopped at the pockets of his waistcoat and if they had searched his great-coat, they would have found his sash there Gindrier would have been shot. Not to allow themselves to be arrested, to keep their freedom for the combat such was the watchword of the members of the Left. That is why we had our sashes upon us, but not outwardly visible.

Eve soon packed Lucien's clothes; the Fernando Cortez of literature carried but little baggage. He was wearing his best overcoat, his best waistcoat, and one of the two fine shirts.

However, he was a sport, and let them do as they liked; so they drank his health and sang: He's a Jolly Good Fellow! Several old boys came down, FitzMorris with an eyeglass and a wonderful tie; Sandham, as usual, quite insignificant; Armour wearing the blue waistcoat of a Wadham drinking club.

It was planned upon lines of such stern utility as to leave no possible thing which we may call dispensable. The typical cowboy costume could hardly be said to contain a coat and waistcoat.

On his bed, and on his chairs, and on his sofa, and on his drawers, lay trousers and vests and cravats enough to distract the choice of a Stoic. And first one pair of trousers was tried on, and then another and one waistcoat, and then a second, and then a third. Gradually that chef-d'oeuvre of civilization a man dressed grew into development and form; and, finally, Mr.

Major Brooke, who appeared to have taken an extra toddy in honor of her coming, or for any other reason why, flung aside his newspaper and seized both her hands. Mr. Bylash, in the moleskin waistcoat, sure enough, bowed low and referred to her agreeably as "stranger," nor did he again return to Miss Miller's side on the sofa. That young lady was gay and giggling, but watchful withal.