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Sometimes she would turn around a corner and make a short cut through a whole plantation of lily-pads and spatterdocks, or things like them, and she would scrape over a sunken log as easily as a wagon-wheel rolls over a stone. She drew only two feet of water, and was flat-bottomed. When she made a very short turn, the men had to push her stern around with poles.

"Don't you want some candy, Budge?" "No you ain't GOT no candy, I bleeve." "Well, you sha'n't have any if you don't stop being so cross." The only reply to this was a mighty and audible rustling of the bedding in the boys' room, followed by a sound strongly resembling that caused by a slap; then came a prolonged wail, resembling that of an ungreased wagon-wheel. "What's the matter, Toddie?"

Heaven help you! You'll be screaming at a wagon-wheel in an hour.... Then it struck my father that he'd like to shoot the people who'd betrayed him. You you you! He told his son all about it. He told him never to trust the English. He told him to do them all the harm he could. Mann, I tell you, I don't want much telling. I was born in the Transvaal I'm a burgher.

Beside him, an unrolled bundle showed itself as consisting of a ragged overcoat and containing an empty and smoke-blackened tomato can, an empty and battered condensed milk can, some dog-meat partly wrapped in brown paper and evidently begged from some butcher-shop, a carrot that had been run over in the street by a wagon-wheel, three greenish- cankered and decayed potatoes, and a sugar-bun with a mouthful bitten from it and rescued from the gutter, as was made patent by the gutter-filth that still encrusted it.

I tried to imagine my home without that bright and friendly little face, without the patter of those restless little feet, without the sound of those beleaguering little coos of child-love with which he used to burrow his head into the hollow of my shoulder. It was too much for me. I had to lean against the wagon-wheel and gulp.

"You're good and gay, Mandy," said Perkins. "What's the killing?" Mandy made no reply save by a disdainful flirt of her skirts as she set off down the lane, followed by Perkins, Cameron and Tim bringing up the rear. The lane was a grassy sward, cut with two wagon-wheel tracks, and with a picturesque snake fence on either side.

The original traveler the dishonest one now remembered that he had once seen a Boer teamster chocking his wagon-wheel on a steep grade with a diamond as large as a football, and he laid aside his occupations and started out to hunt for it, but not with the intention of cheating anybody out of $125 with it, for he had reformed. We now come to matters more didactic.

Whinnie had been frightened at the empty shack and the wailing babies, and had thought something might have happened to me. So he had taken my duck-gun and fired those signal-shots. He leaned against the muddy wagon-wheel and said "Guid God! Guid God!" over and over again, when I told him Dinkie was lost.

Aren't many girls like you, Nan, I bet!" "Nor boys like you, Tom," returned the girl, shyly. "How brave you were, staying to pull that old wagon-wheel out of the fire." "Ugh!" growled Tom. "A fat time I'd have had there if it hadn't been for you helping me out of the oven. Cracky! I thought I was going to have my leg burned to a cinder. "That would have been terrible!" shuddered Nan.

Limbs of trees, bits of torn cloth, a broken hay-rake, fragments of wool, a wagon-wheel, and two dead sheep were scattered along the shore. Where we had seen the whirlwind coming, the sky was clear, and beneath it was a great gap in the woods, with ragged walls of evergreen. Here and there in the gap a stub was standing, trunk and limbs naked. "Jerushy Jane Pepper!"