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As they walked down to the frozen lake, there was a barking sound from a small shed under which was an engine, that hauled up the ice cakes. Out from the shed rushed a little dog, spotted black and white, and straight for the Blake children he rushed, barking and wagging his tail so that it almost wagged off. "Look out!" cried Daddy Blake. "Don't be afraid!" called the engineer, laughing.

She kept a reverent silence until they reached the Bethlehem gate where entered all the trade and travel from Egypt and the sea. But once Naomi was lifted down from the cart, and placed in the shade of the huge gateway to wait with Aunt Miriam while Jacob justified their presence in the city to the haughty Roman guard, her tongue wagged on as merrily as before.

What that reference would have been, however, is clearly evidenced by the fact that in her will Miss Shuttle bequeathed 'to my faithful companion Rosa Brump, her terra-cotta bust of the late Loomis Shuttle, Esq., J.P., inventor of the Shuttle liquid manure." Miss Ram wagged a finger at George. "That speaks for itself," she said. George did not answer. He was in a confusion of fear.

In one moment she came swiftly to a sitting posture. "Oh!" she cried in a spasm of fright. Belshazzar reached an investigating nose and wagged an eager tail. "Why you are a nice friendly dog!" said the trembling voice. He immediately verified the assertion by offering his nose for a kiss. The girl timidly laid a hand on his head.

He wagged his tail, not enthusiastically. He would fain have followed her, but he understood, and would obey. Tilda went up the steps, and up the stairs. On the landing, as chance would have it, she met the Second Nurse coming out from the ward, with a sheet in one hand and a tray of medicines in the other.

As for contour chasing well, they had broken regulations times without number, and to date had paid no penalty. McGee, knowing what thoughts lurked behind Larkin's grin, wagged a prudent finger under his nose. "Mind your step, Buzz," he warned. "We are supposed to be sedate, dignified, instruction-keeping instructors. Fly northwest to Auxerre, then follow the railroad toward Sens and on to Melun.

"Why, for that matter, it has come to my knowledge that a plot is being hatched by the friends of the Stuart, and that a rising is being prepared, the present moment being considered auspicious, while the people's confidence in the government is shaken by the late South Sea Company disaster." Mr. Templeton wagged his head gently.

"Why, damn you !" he screamed, and promptly became inarticulate with rage. "Ah! ah! ah!" Nat wagged a reproving forefinger. "Naughty word, Roly! Careful, or you'll sour your chewing gum." "Now, say! Do you think "

The cap'en modestly bowed to reputation, admitting that he had assisted "a sight of couples over the broomstick," adding, however, that the knack had its drawbacks. There were many door-stones in Zorra that he dared not cross. And he wagged his head over Timmins's case, wisely, as a lawyer ponders over the acceptance of a hopeless brief.

The attention of managers was directed towards her; and Booth, after seeing her act in Southwark, engaged her for Drury Lane, where her presence was more agreeable to the public than particularly pleasant to dear Mrs. So wagged the mimic world with Nance as its most attractive figure.