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It sounded glorious and eumoirous and quixotic and deucedly funny, during the noble moment of inspiration, when Lola's golden eyes were upon me; but now well, I shall have to persuade myself that it is funny, if I am to carry it out. It is very much like wagering that one will tweak by the nose the first gentleman in gaiters and shovel-hat one meets in Piccadilly.

I'd made the mistake of wagering heavily on Hovercraft. But the marshal is waiting. Right through that door, major. See you later." Evidently, Joe decided, the marshal was recruiting for another fracas.

"Let us be merry," said Zopyrus, "for I believe it will soon be up with all our merriment. I would lay my life, that we are all of us dead by to-morrow. Pity that men haven't got more than one neck; if we'd two, I would not mind wagering a gold piece or two on the chance of our remaining alive."

The ready clatter of feet, and the show of many heads at all the hatchways, and perhaps the sound of a suppressed laugh amongst the men who have been gossiping and wagering about the gale, give sufficient indication that this evolution has been expected for some time.

At first Laertes did but play with Hamlet, and suffered him to gain some advantages, which the dissembling king magnified and extolled beyond measure, drinking to Hamlet's success, and wagering rich bets upon the issue: but after a few passes, Laertes growing warm made a deadly thrust at Hamlet with his poisoned weapon, and gave him a mortal blow.

I'd be safe in wagering a thousand dollars that when she hears I'm gone, she will send for you before to-morrow evening." "You may also wager this," he said. "If she does, I shall be very sorry, but I'm on my way to the country on an emergency call. Nancy Ellen, I wish you wouldn't!" "Wouldn't go North, or wouldn't see what every other living soul in Hartley sees?" she asked curtly.

So it happens, in the matter of cards, I content myself with eucre and other games which do not require the wagering of money. On board the Atlantic steamers there is always more or less gambling. I have heard it said that men make trips to and fro merely for the purpose of fleecing their fellow-passengers; but, except in one instance, I never had any experience with this sort of thing.

Prothero had stopped to have a chat at the Hunters' carriage as he walked towards the dressing tent. "Our hopes are all centered in you, Mr. Prothero," Mr. Hunter said. "Miss Hannay has been wagering gloves in a frightfully reckless way." "I should advise you to hedge if you can, Miss Hannay," he said. "I think there is no doubt that Mameluke is a good deal faster than Seila.

The natives, however, took great interest in the contests, wagering freely on the issues, shouting loudly to the combatants, and raising triumphant cries when one was adjudged victor. Then elephants were brought in; but the struggle between these was even tamer than between the rams.

"But I will," said Cathro; "I would do it now if I had the shears." It was only an empty threat, but an hour afterwards the dominie caught Tommy wagering in witchy marbles and other coin that he would not do it, and then instead of taking the tawse to him he said, "Keep him to his bargains, laddies, for whatever may have been my intention at the time, I mean to be as good as my word now."