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One night last winter, the coldest night we had, Eliza an' me slep' on the kitchen floor with nary a blanket er quilt, an' I had to git up every half hour to put wood on the fire so's we wouldn't freeze to death, all because Joe Wadley an' his wife an' her father an' mother an' his sister with her three children dropped in sort of unexpected on account of havin' their two wagons git stuck in a snow drift a mile er so from here.

"Well, a bowdlerized version of it would run: 'Professor Challenger presents his compliments to the President of the Zoological Institute, and would take it as a personal favor if he would go to the devil." "Good Lord!" "Yes, I expect that's what old Wadley said. I remember his wail at the meeting, which began: 'In fifty years experience of scientific intercourse It quite broke the old man up."

And all the time I had Wadley Fiske slated as a dead one! Course, he was one of Mr. Robert's clubby friends. But that don't always count. He may be choosey enough picking live wires for his office staff, Mr. Robert, as you might guess by my bein' his private sec; but when it came to gettin' a job lot of friends wished on him early in his career, I must say he couldn't have been very finicky.

Wadley sent a message: 'The President of the Zoological Institute presents his compliments to Professor Challenger, and would take it as a personal favor if he would do them the honor to come to their next meeting. The answer was unprintable." "You don't say?"

Such as here last Wednesday when Mr. Robert had two committee meetin's on for the afternoon and was goin' over with me some tabulated stuff I'd doped out for the annual report. Right in the midst of that Wadley Fiske blows in and proceeds to hammer Mr. Robert on the back. "I say, Bob," says he, "you remember my telling you about the lovely Marcelle Jedain? I'm sure I told you."

The envelope was postmarked New York and the upper left-hand corner bore the notice: Return in 10 days to Alexander & Company, Wholesale Druggists, 22-32 Wadley Street, Rochester, N. Y. The girl glanced at the envelope and then at her employer and blushed deeply. "Oh, why that that is a note from a friend of mine." "A gentleman friend, I suppose." "Yes, Uncle Adam. I met him last winter, at Mrs.

When gouty Professor Wadley limped down to his seat there were general affectionate inquiries from all parts of the hall as to the exact state of his poor toe, which caused him obvious embarrassment.

"I believe I have seen their place. Let me see, what street is it on?" "Wadley street and runs through to Hill a fine six-story concern, with a laboratory that is second to none." "Yes, I remember it now. I suppose you must have a pretty good position with them." "Fair. I think they ought to raise my salary," answered Tom Ostrello. He stretched himself. "I feel sleepy didn't get a wink last night.

There were one or two folk who were inclined to take him seriously, but he soon choked them off." "How?" "Well, by his insufferable rudeness and impossible behavior. There was poor old Wadley, of the Zoological Institute.

"Up in the storeroom in a nice big trunk, where I fixed a bed and everything for it, while its mother was working down in the laundry, and I thought they'd look a while and give it up, but this Mrs. Wadley is kind of simple-minded or something. She took on so I had to say maybe somebody had put it in this trunk where it could have a nice time. And this stepmother taking on almost as bad."