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Waad said that the Pope stirred up peoples not to obey their sovereigns. "Yet," said the Queen, "a Pope shall excommunicate you, but I was excommunicated by a pore minister, Knokes. The Royal quarry, so long in the toils of Fate, was dragged down at last, and the doom forespoken by the prophet was fulfilled.

To England he carried a remonstrance from the Kirk against the treatment of Puritans who had conscientious objections to the apparel "Romish rags" of the Church Anglican. If Knox excommunicated the Queen, it was probably about this date. Long afterwards, on April 25, 1584, Mary was discussing the various churches with Waad, an envoy of Cecil.

But aa nivvor tyek leet refreshment. Ma drink is brandy or whisky neat," said Captain Gaze, his face beaming with good-nature. They proceeded to a restaurant, and when they got nicely settled down with their drinks and smokes, the skipper remarked "Aa wonder what Jimmie waad say if he could see Mark Gaze sittin' in a hotel hevvin' his whisky and smokin' a cigar?" "I should think," said Mr.

On the morning of the 8th, however, Waad, who was employed to worm out his secrets, reported that little was to be expected. "I find this fellow," he wrote, "who this day is in a most stubborn and perverse humour, as dogged as if he were possessed. The sight of the examiners, together with the sight of the rack, changed Fawkes' mind to some extent.