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Chichester's voice was low, yet each incisive, quick-spoken word reached Barnabas, while upon Barrymaine their effect was demoniac. Dropping his pistol-case, he threw up wild arms and shook his clenched fists in the air. "Damn him!" he cried, "damn him! B-bury me in a debtor's prison, will he? Foul my sister's honor w-will he? Never! never! I tell you I'll kill him first!" "Murder him, Ronald?"

On his way downstairs, he heard the voices of men as if in angry disputation; and on reaching the next floor, found Mr Barret standing at the open door of his room, endeavouring to hold Ned Hooper, who was struggling violently. "I tell you," said the latter, in a drunken voice, "that I w-will go out!"

The car had sunk so far in the shaft now that she had to kneel and put her head close to the floor to see him. "I will only be a minute at the telephone," she said. "Keep up courage; I am thinking of you every moment." "W-will you let me say one word?" he stammered. "Oh, what? Be quick, I beg you." "It's only goodbye in case the thing drops. May I say it?" "Y-yes yes! But say it quickly."

I asked you to tell all you saw and heard during the fight." Answer. "I-I w-will if you'll l-let me. J-jest you keep still a minute and l-l-let me t-talk. I-I c-can't t-t-talk very well anyway. C-can't talk near as well as you. B-but I can say a he-heap more. Whe-whe-when you talk so much, ye-ye-you g-get me to st-st-st-stuttering. S-see? Now listen to that." State's Attorney. "Well, go on."

Smith will settle with me. Here's a f-f-five-pound note: that will pay your b-b-bill and your f-fare, and leave something over for a b-bed in the village if you can't get home to-night." "Well now, that's handsome, be dazed if it hain't." "Just receipt your bill, w-will you? By the b-bye, Mr. Smith didn't pay you anything on account?" "I won't tell a lie. He did.

This Boltwood? Hotel in Kalispell trying to locate you, for two hours. Been telephoning all along the line, from Butte to Somers." "W-well, w-will you g-get 'em for me?" It was not Milt's placid and slightly twangy voice but one smoother, more decisive, perplexingly familiar, that finally vibrated, "Hello! Hello! Miss Boltwood! Operator, I can't hear. Get me a better connection. Miss Boltwood?"

"I wronged you, I know n-now, but don't g-give me up. I'm not afraid to d-die like a g-gentleman should, but the gallows oh, my God!" "No, you must be saved from that!" "Ah w-will you help me?" "That is why I came." "W-what must I do?" "Start for Dover to-night." "Yes yes, Dover. B-but I have no money." "Here are twenty guineas, they will help you well on your way.

Sampson would tell the story for the evening. "I d-don't know about th-that," said Will. "You s-s-see, b-boys, if I tell it I shall have to d-do it b-by fits and starts. If you w-want a s-story told straight ahead, g-g-get somebody whose tongue w-will w-wag when they want it to. If you want a y-yarn j-j-jerked out, I am your man."

Ye 're sure g-good 'nough fer me, an' th-that 's all thar is to it. Now, yer w-won't say that no more, w-will yer?" "No, señor," she answered simply, "I no say dat no more." He remained standing before her, shifting uneasily from one foot to the other, a great hulk in the gloom.

Kindly give me the account books. My housekeeper will send you some servants. The trades-people will come for orders." Feather was staring at him. "W-will they?" she stammered. "W-will everything ?" "Yes everything," he answered. "Don't be frightened. Go upstairs and try to stop her. I must go now. I never heard a creature yell with such fury."