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The bark and roots are extremely acrimonious, and are used in medicine. ERICA vulgaris. THE COMMON HEATH, HEATHER, or LING. -This spontaneous produce of most of our sandy waste lands is of much usin rural oeconomy. It is of considerable value for making brooms, and affords food to sheep, goats, and other animals; particularly to the grouse and heath-cock.

Among the latter was the Malleus vulgaris, which is used as food by the natives. The soil on this part of the island is a stiff clay, and the plants it produces are mostly woody; those of an herbaceous character were scarce, and only a few orchideous epiphytes and ferns were seen.

They are ruining that fine row of elms in front of the lawn." "It is undoubtedly the melolontha vulgaris," said the professor. I designate him in this way because he used such large words we did not understand. My mother told us that she was positive he was president of a college. "The melolontha vulgaris is the most destructive of beetles, but the larvae are still more injurious.

Boswell found, in his tour to the Hebrides, an inscription written by a Scotch minister. It runs thus: "Joannes Macleod, etc. gentis suae Philarchus, etc Florae Macdonald matrimoniali vinculo conjugatus turrem hanc Beganodunensem proaevorum habitaculum longe vetustissimum, diu penitus labefactatam anno aerae vulgaris MDCLXXXVI. instauravit." "The minister," says Mr.

This is now a prevalent opinion, which is strengthened by the fact that so many more Himalayan plants are now ascertained to be European than had been supposed before they were compared with European specimens; such are the yew, Juniperus communis, Berberis vulgaris, Quercus Ballota, Populus alba and Euphratica, etc.

ANTIRRHINIUM Linaria. TOAD FLAX. The Flowers. An infusion of them is said to be very efficacious in cutaneous disorders; and Hammerin gives an instance in which these flowers, with those of verbascum, used as tea, cured an exanthematous disorder, which had resisted various other remedies tried during the course of three years. Woodville's Med. Bot. p. 372. AQUILEGIA vulgaris.

There is a very neat and much sought after variety, having conspicuous green and yellow leaves, and named S. vulgaris foliis variegatis. The Snowberries are of no great value as ornamental shrubs, but owing to their succeeding well in the very poorest and stoniest of soils, and beneath the shade and drip of trees, it is to be recommended that they are not lost sight of.

It is raised from seeds, which are sold in plenty in our seed-shops. PRIMULA officinalis. COWSLIP. PRIMULA vulgaris. PRIMROSE. PRIMULA elatior. OXLIP. PRIMULA farinose. BIRD'S EYE. All well known ornaments of numerous varieties, double and single. The third species is the parent of the celebrated Polyanthus. The last is also an interesting little plant with a purple flower.

Races rich in this abnormality are found in the wild state in the yellow loosestrife or Lysimachia vulgaris, in which it is a very variable specific character, the whorls varying from two to four leaves. In the cultivated state it is met with in the myrtle or Myrtus communis, where it has come to be of some importance in Israelitic ritual.

Of two hundred seeds one became a blue atavist, or rather vicinist, while all others remained true to the white type. The same was observed in the white creeping thyme, or Thymus Serpyllum album, and the white self-heal, Brunella vulgaris alba, gave even so much as 28% seedlings with purple corollas out of some 400 specimens, after being cultivated in close proximity to its parent-species.