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He also would fain have attacked the unfortunate lieutenant of police; but, whether M. de Maupeou thought that his own correction had been sufficiently strong, or whether he begrudged any other person interfering with his vengeance upon his personal foe, he abruptly interrupted the tirade of M. de la Vrilliere, by observing, that a conspiracy conducted by only eight persons might very possibly escape the eye of the police; but, furnished as it now was with so many circumstances and particulars, it was impossible that the plot should any longer defy their vigilant researches.

Meanwhile, the dauphin hastened to the sick room of his beloved relative, anxious to bestow upon him the cares and attentions of a son; but in the anteroom his progress was stopped by the duc de la Vrilliere, who informed him, that the interests of the throne would not permit his royal highness to endanger his life by inhaling the contagious atmosphere of a room loaded with the venom of the small-pox.

For elegance of printing, DIDOT is the BENSLEY of Paris; but to see a grand establishment in this line, you must go to the Rue de la Vrilliere, near the Place des Victoires, and visit the Under the title of Imprimerie Royale, this establishment vas formerly placed in the galleries of the Louvre.

The whole of the pamphlet which related to this affair was admirably written, and, like the "Barber of Seville," marked by a strongly sarcastic vein. However, the thing failed, and the duc de la Vrilliere, the sworn enemy of men of wit and talent, caused Beaumarchais to be immediately confined within Fort 1'Eveque. So that the offended party was made to suffer the penalty of the offence.

In less than an hour more than 150 muskets had been obtained. In the meanwhile the street became covered with barricades. My coachman deposited me at the corner of Saint Eustache, and said to me, "Here you are in the hornets' nest." He added, "I will wait for you in the Rue de la Vrillière, near the Place des Victoires. Take your time." I began walking from barricade to barricade.

The Council finished thus, from lack of matter, and a movement was made to adjourn it as usual. I stepped in front of M. le Prince de Conti to M. le Duc d'Orleans, who understood me, and who begged the company to keep their seats. La Vrilliere went out by order for news, but there was nothing fresh. It was now a little after ten.

In fact, he so managed to turn the head of this young woman, that she begged him to obtain for her a place in the king's favor. She pleased with an opportunity of injuring me, went to Paris, and betook herself incog. to the shop of madame Gaubert. She found her charming, and spoke of her to the duc de la Vrilliere, and both agreed to show her portrait to his majesty.

A third letter from the duke The king receives extreme unction Letter from madame Victoire to the dauphin M. de Machault A promenade with the duc de Cosse Kind attention from the prince des Deux Ponts A fourth letter from the duc d'Aiguillon Comte Jean bids me farewell M. d'Aiguillon's fifth letter, containing an account of the death of Louis XV The duc de la Vrilliere The <lettre de cachet> Letter to the queen Departure for the abbey of <Pont aux Dames>

After dinner the Parliamentary deputies came to the Palais Royal, where they were well received; M. le Duc d'Orleans confirmed what they had already heard from La Vrilliere, and said to them that he would re-establish the funds of the Hotel de Ville at two-and-a- half percent. The deputies expected that in justice and in goodness he ought to raise them to at least three per cent.

Chateauneuf, Secretary of State, died about this time. He had asked that his son, La Vrilliere, might be allowed to succeed him, and was much vexed that the King refused this favour. The news of Chateauneuf's death was brought to La Vrilliere by a courier, at five o'clock in the morning.