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"Vrihadaswa said, 'After Varshneya had gone away, Pushkara won from the righteous Nala that latter's kingdom and what else of wealth he had. And unto Nala, O king, who had lost his kingdom, Pushkara laughingly said, "Let the play go on. But what stake hast thou now? Damayanti only remaineth; all else of thine hath been won by me. Well, if thou likest, that Damayanti be our stake now."

"'Thus remembering Damayanti, the king of the Nishadhas continued to live unknown in the abode of that monarch!" "Vrihadaswa said, 'After Nala, despoiled of his kingdom, had, with his wife, become a bondsman, Bhima with the desire of seeing Nala sent out Brahmanas to search for him.

"Vrihadaswa said, 'Damayanti, having bowed down unto the gods, thus addressed Nala with a smile, 'O king, love me with proper regard, and command me what I shall do for thee. Myself and what else of wealth is mine are thine. Grant me, O exalted one, thy love in full trust. O king, the language of the swans in burning me. It is for thy sake, O hero, that I have caused the kings to meet.

"Vrihadaswa continued, 'Thus addressed by those celestials, the ruler of Nishadhas spake again, saying, "Those mansions are well-guarded. How can I hope to enter them?" Indra replied, "Thou shalt be able to enter." And, saying, So be it, Nala thereupon went to the palace of Damayanti.

And Kuvalaswa excelled his father in every quality. And when the time came, his father Vrihadaswa installed him the brave and highly virtuous Kuvalaswa on the throne. And having thus made over the royal dignity to his son, that slayer of foes king Vrihadaswa of great intelligence retired into the woods for asceticism."

And at this, those councillors of state as also the citizens, afflicted with grief and shame, returned to their homes, saying, 'He liveth not. And, O Yudhishthira, it was thus that Nala and Pushkara gambled together for many months, the virtuous Nala being always worsted." Vrihadaswa said.

O son, there will appear a king of invincible energy and great prowess and he will be born in the race of Ikshvaku and will be known by the name of Vrihadaswa who will have a son of the name of Kuvalaswa endued with great holiness and self-control and celebrity.

At this, O thou of mighty arms, no blame will attach to thee. This is all, ye gods, that took place, as I have said. Finally, everything rests with you, ye foremost of celestials."" "Vrihadaswa continued, 'Then at the sacred hour of the holy lunar day of the auspicious season, king Bhima summoned the kings to the Swayamvara.

I will console this afflicted girl of face like the full moon, and suffering distress that she had never before endured, and ever meditating on her lord." "Vrihadaswa continued, 'Having thus reflected on these various circumstances and signs, the Brahmana, Sudeva, approached Damayanti, and addressed her, saying, "O princess of Vidarbha, I am Sudeva, the dear friend of thy brother.

And Anenas had a son named Prithu and Prithu had a son named Viswagaswa and from Viswagaswa sprang Adri and from Adri sprang Yuvanaswa and from Yuvanaswa sprang Sravastha and it was by this Sravastha that the city called Sravasthi was built and from Sravastha was descended Vrihadaswa and from Vrihadaswa sprang Kuvalaswa and Kuvalaswa had twentyone thousand sons and all these sons were fierce and powerful and skilled in learning.