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Of course, the Waldos were telling you whose house it was; and as luck would have it, I came out at that instant. "Whether there was anything in your guess or not doesn't matter. You're too sensible to mention it to any one except me. But I can't have you torturing yourself with the idea that such dealings as you imagine with Van Vreck are still going on, if they ever did go on.

Clouds of blowing sand hid the stars, yet there was a faint glimmer of light which showed moving figures on horseback. Men were shouting, and with the bark of their guns fire spouted. Annesley rushed on to the veranda, but Van Vreck caught her dress. "Stay where you are!" he ordered. "Our side is winning. Don't you see don't you hear the fight's going farther away?

Van Vreck was with me," she said. "Van Vreck! Great Scott, then the raid was a frameup! I see. Boys, let's get along to the house quick." "Wait an instant!" the girl intervened. "Knight, I never had a chance to tell you about the cactus blossoms. I understood. I understand even better now. Mr. Van Vreck has made me understand. That is all I can tell you. Let them help you to the house.

Away out of sight the chase went, but the watching eyes had time to see that not all the figures were on horseback. Some ran on foot; and some horses were riderless. As Van Vreck had said, there was nothing for him and for Annesley to do except to wait. They stood silent in the rain of sand, listening when there was nothing more to see. The shots were scattered and blurred by distance.

They rushed back into the green drawing room, and so to the beautiful Chinese room beyond, with its priceless lacquer tables and cabinets. In one of these latter a collection of exquisite jade was gathered together. And the Buddha which Paul Van Vreck had coveted was gone!

I might add two others: 'true' and 'loyal." Paul Van Vreck held her with his strange, straight look, commanding, yet amused. "That is the opinion," he added after a pause, "of a very old friend. It's worth its weight in gold images." The girl gave him no answer. But the effort of keeping her face under control made lips and eyelids quiver. "May I sit down, Mrs. Donaldson?"

Your presence in the ménage was the sole alleviation. James, it appears, came to London on an unexpected mission, differing from his ordinary trips. You may remember seeing in the papers some weeks ago that an agent of the Van Vreck firm was robbed on shipboard of a lot of pearls and things he was bringing to show an important client in England some Indian potentate.

"They are too much in love to be thinking about us, or listening," he answered; and Annesley imagined a ring of bitterness in his tone. "I've come to talk over plans, but before we begin I want to explain something. Once you made a guess in connection with Paul Van Vreck. Probably you think that what you saw confirms it.

Paul Van Vreck sprang up also, his face paler, his eyes brighter than before. "They've come after me," he said. "Clever trick if they've bribed ruffians from over the border to cover their ends. The real errand's here, inside this house." Annesley's heart faltered. "You must hide," she breathed. "I must save you somehow." "Why should you save me?" Van Vreck asked, sharply.

"No, let's drive on," Annesley begged, anxiously. "My husband knows Mr. Van Vreck. They have business together. He won't want us." The taxi was allowed to go on to the next place of interest. Annesley had flung herself back in the seat, but she was not sure that Knight hadn't seen her. She knew what powers of observation his quiet almost lazy manner could hide.