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' allez vous? was the imperious demand of this extraordinary looking personage. ' nous voulons' was the instant and haughty reply of my friend M. The fellow, not being accustomed to such insubordination, ordered us to take off our hats to show whether we carried anything away with us.

Thousands of people, many of them being armed National Guards, assembled on the Place de l'Hotel de Ville, shouting: "La Commune! La Commune! Nous voulons la Commune!"

"Nous agissons dans l'interet de la verite. Nous ne voulons pas vous blesser," said he. Scorn gave me nerve. I only answered, "Dictate, Monsieur." Rochemorte named this theme: "Human Justice." Human Justice! What was I to make of it? Blank, cold abstraction, unsuggestive to me of one inspiring idea; and there stood M. Emanuel, sad as Saul, and stern as Joab, and there triumphed his accusers.

"I will not." "Mais it is much ze preferable." "I don't know why I should contradict you," said poppa, but at that moment the difficulty was solved by the Misses Bingham. "Guide!" cried one of the Misses Bingham, beckoning with her fan, "Nous voulons

I noticed that he translated "Mais comme nous voulons toujours tout rapporter a un certain but," "But we, always wishing to refer," &c., while I had it, "But we, ever on the look-out to refer," &c.; and "Nous ne faisons pas attention que nous alterons la philosophie," "We fail to see that thus we deprive philosophy of her true character," whereas I had "We fail to see that we thus rob philosophy of her true character."

It was no longer the immense horizon opened by the unforgettable portals of Baudelaire; it was a crevice in the moonlight, opening on a field which was more intimate and more restrained, peculiar to Verlaine who had formulated his poetic system in those lines of which Des Esseintes was so fond: Car nous voulons la nuance encore, Pas la couleur, rien que la nuance.

The philosophers of the Jean Jacques held with that expounder of Internationalism, Eugene Dupont, "Nous ne voulons plus de religion, car les religions etouffent l'intelligence." Now and then, indeed, a dissentient voice was raised as to the existence of a Supreme Being, but, with one exception, it soon sank into silence. No voice was raised in defence of private property.

The philosophers of the Jean Jacques held with that expounder of Internationalism, Eugene Dupont, "Nous ne voulons plus de religion, car les religions etouffent l'intelligence." Now and then, indeed, a dissentient voice was raised as to the existence of a Supreme Being, but, with one exception, it soon sank into silence. No voice was raised in defence of private property.