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Mr. Vosky became silent, and after a long pause said, "I sorely regret that my poor father did not live, to see how valuable was the good training which he gave me, and that I was not permitted to make some return to him for his love and devotion." On the following day, Mr. Vosky and his guests started on their journey to St. Petersburg.

The last I heard of him was when he went out into the world as a wheelwright, to make his fortune." "So, you do remember him. Well, that boy Michael was none other than myself. Now I am the owner of a large factory, besides being financial adviser to the Czar. I had my name legally changed to Vosky. I was that stable-boy, that wheelwright."

"You!" cried Alfred, filled with admiration and astonishment. He sprang forward and embraced his benefactor. "But why didn't you tell me all this at first?" "That was impossible," said Vosky. "It would have taken too long to explain; and my business affairs were so pressing, and you were so exhausted, that you could not have listened to a detailed account.

This house is only used as a stopping place when his business carries him to this region, which happens quite frequently. Before leaving yesterday, he gave me strict orders to look after your welfare. I trust you will be pleased with my efforts, and give Mr. Vosky a good report when he returns." By slow degrees Alfred Banford recovered his strength.

He found books with which to while away the time. The stillness of this secluded spot was a gratifying change from the noisy battlefield. One night, Mr. Vosky returned. As he entered the house, his face shone with enthusiasm and gay spirits. "I come," said he, turning to Alfred, "to give you liberty after your long confinement.

I cannot express to you the joy it gives me to see you, and to be able to serve you." Mr. Vosky then related some of the events of his life. How he had visited the principal cities of Europe; and how he had studied under the best men, in order to make himself proficient in his line of work.

"He is a very good man," said the servant. "I can think of no one who is kindlier. His name is Vosky, the Czar's chief financial adviser, and he is particularly concerned with the care of the Russian army. He has always shown me great consideration, for I was only a poor beggar boy. "One day one of Mr. Vosky's assistants lost a package containing some valuable papers and a large sum of money.

"I cannot remember the slightest favor that I have ever proffered you. I never saw you before, and what is more, I never heard of you in my life." "Never?" cried Mr. Vosky. "Then listen to what I have to say. My entire fortune I owe to you. All my success I lay at your door." Alfred looked at him in astonishment and shook his head. "Did you never help a poor boy, by giving him fifty pounds?"

I see from all that you have told me, that you were always ready to embrace an opportunity; that you worked with diligence, honesty and system, and that you began and ended all your work with an honest purpose. God, upon whom you relied, has blessed all your undertakings." "That is true," said Mr. Vosky. "The fortune which I have accumulated gives me pleasure; for with it I can help the needy.

"Just now I don't remember ever having done any poor boy such a charity." "Now," said Vosky, "perhaps you may remember a nightingale that you wished to have brought to your mother's garden. You will recall that poor stable-boy who managed it for you." "Oh, yes," said Alfred, "I remember the boy very well. He was a poor, worthy, ambitious lad, named Michael Warden.