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Charles Cowan's privately printed Reminiscences for Scott's recollections of his visit to Portsmouth in 1816, and his stories, of the wonders he had seen, to the little boy at his side. Compare Froude's History, vol. iv. p. 424. Mr. Horace Smith, one of the authors of Rejected Addresses. An anonymous novel, published some years earlier in 4 vols. 12mo. Cowper's Monody. November 1.

Melville's William Makepeace Thackeray, 2 vols. Trollope's Thackeray. Merivale and Marzials's Life of Thackeray. Mudge and Sears's A Thackeray Dictionary. Cross's George Eliot's Life as Related in her Letters and Journals. Browning's Life of George Eliot. Cook's George Eliot: A Critical Study of her Life, Writings, and Philosophy. Olcott's George Eliot: Scenes and People in Her Novels.

He saw what our modern theologians see, though it was latent from the vulgar eyes in his days; but he also saw what they do not see, what they have closed their eyes on; and he saw far beyond them, because he saw things in their universal principles and laws." Rev. Archdeacon Charles Hare's "Mission of the Comforter." Preface, pp. 13, 15. Two Vols. 8vo.

J. Sully, Children's Ways, chap. x. Appleton, $1.25. II. Further Reading Patterson Du Bois, The Culture of Justice, chaps. i-v. Dodd, Mead & Co., $0.75. E.H. Abbott, The Training of Parents. Houghton Mifflin Co., $1.00. M. Wood-Allen, Making the Best of Our Children. 2 vols. McClurg, $1.00 each. H.Y. Campbell, Practical Motherhood. Longmans, $2.50. III. Topics for Discussion

By J.R. Forster, 1772. 4to. Voyage round the World, more particularly to the North-west Coast of America, in 1785-88. By Captain Dixon, 1789. 4to. Captain Portlock's Account of the same Voyage; 1789. 4to. 64 A Voyage round the World in 1785-88. By De la Perouse, translated from the French. 2 vols. 4to. and Atlas of Prints, 1799.

They are destined, however, to retain a permanent place among the books of reference which enrich our national literature, and contribute to its advancement. By John William Kaye. 2 vols. London: Bentley. 1051. See No 291. A sketch of this famous retreat will appear in a forthcoming volume of Chambers's Pocket Miscellany.

On indexing this volume, as with Vols. I and IV which are already indexed and as, no doubt, will be the case with any that I may live to index later, I am alarmed at the triviality of many of these notes, the ineptitude of many and the obvious untenableness of many that I should have done much better to destroy. Elmsley, in one of his letters to Dr.

Sidgwick and Myers and adding the result of his own researches, the author collects some thousand cases of precognition, of which he discusses one hundred and sixty, leaving the great majority of the others on one side. Not because they are negligible, but because he does not wish to exceed too flagrantly the normal limits of a monograph. Proceedings, Vols. V. and XI.

II, ch. i, ii; William Cunningham, The Growth of English Industry and Commerce in Modern Times, 5th ed., 3 vols. I from earliest times to the middle of the sixteenth century; Andrew Lang, A History of Scotland, 2d ed., 4 vols. I. On France: A. J. Grant, The French Monarchy, 1483- 1789, 2 vols. , Vol.