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L. Strackerjan, op. cit. ii. p. 43, §313. W. Mannhardt, Der Baumkultus p. 508. The two latter writers only state that before the fires were kindled it was customary to hunt squirrels in the woods. A. Kuhn, l.c.; W. Mannhardt, Der Baumkultus, p. 508. See above, pp. 116 sq., 119. Bavaria, Landes- und Volkskunde des Königreichs Bayern, iii. 357. F. Panzer, op. cit. ii. pp. 78 sq., §§ 114, 115.

This interpretion is confirmed by the name ankenmilch bohren, which is given to the need-fire in some parts of Switzerland. See E. Hoffmann-Krayer, "Fruchtbarkeitsriten im schweizerischen Volksbrauch," Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskünde, xi. p. 245. Indiculus Superstitionum et Paganiarum, No. XV., "De igne fricato de ligno i.e. nodfyr."

E. Hoffmann-Krayer, "Fruchtbarkeitsriten im schweizerischen Volksbrauch," Schweizerisches Archiv fur Volkskunde, xi. pp. 244-246. E. Hoffmann-Krayer, op. cit. p. 246. J. Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie,* i. 505. "Old-time Survivals in remote Norwegian Dales," Folk-lore, xx. pp. 314, 322 sq.

Jelínek, "Materialen zur Vorgeschichte mid Volkskunde Böhmens," Mittheilungen der anthropolog. Gesellschaft in Wien xxi. p. 13 note. Mrs. Above, pp. 190 sq. Above, pp. 178, 205, 206. See The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings, i. 311 sqq.