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Early on the morrow he left the castle of Brienne, and took the road for Troyes; while Marmont, with a corps now reduced to less than 3,000 men, bravely defended the passage of the Voire at Rosnay, and, after delaying the pursuit, took post at Arcis-sur-Aube. The means of defence, both moral and material, seemed wellnigh exhausted.

Chapter viii. 10. Traittant quelqu'vn, il est de la bien-seance de le seruir en table, & luy presenter des viandes, voire mesme de celles qui sont proches de luy. Que si l'on estoit invité chez autruy, il est plus

The poor fellow lay at death's door for a fortnight; and it was while we had little or no hope of saving him, that I got the few family anecdotes from him. Now, that would be good evidence in law, I believe, Thomas." "For certain things, had the lad really died. Surviving, he must be heard on his voire dire, and under oath. But what was his tale?" "A very short one.

The work was promised him for the morrow, before our departure; and presently after, either because he had his price, or to show that he was not the man to be behind in friendly offices "EH BIEN," he said, "JE SUPPOSE QU'IL FAUT LAHER VOIRE CAMARADE." And he tore up that feast of humour, the unfinished PROCES-VERBAL. Ah, if he had only torn up instead the Arethusa's roundels!

"Vraye foy de necessite, Non tant seulement d'equite, Nous fait de Dieu sept choses croire: C'est sa doulce nativite, Son baptesme d'humilite, Et sa mort, digne de memoire: Son descens en la chartre noire, Et sa resurrection, voire; S'ascencion d'auctorite, La venue judicatoire, Ou ly bons seront mis en gloire, Et ly mals en adversite."

Early on the morrow he left the castle of Brienne, and took the road for Troyes; while Marmont, with a corps now reduced to less than 3,000 men, bravely defended the passage of the Voire at Rosnay, and, after delaying the pursuit, took post at Arcis-sur-Aube. The means of defence, both moral and material, seemed wellnigh exhausted.