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Après le dîner on me mena voir les danses chez madame la duchesse. Elle me donna un chapeau de fil d'or et de soie, un anneau et un diamant pour mettre sur ma tête, selon la coutume du pays. Il y avoit l

And Berg, turning to her and throwing out his hands appealingly, said: "O, madame, avez-vous vu les Terbourgs? Allez voir les Terbourgs." He felt that such a big note had been left out of the life of any one who had not seen them. At Doctors' Commons A woman once stopped me at the entrance to Doctors' Commons and said: "If you please, sir, can you tell me is this the place that I came to before?"

One of them so hit the fancy of the king and queen that they quoted it more than once in their letters to their correspondents, and Marie Antoinette even sung it occasionally to her harp: "Ne craignez pas, Cher papa, D' voir augmenter vot' famille, Le Bon Dieu z'y pourvoira: Fait's en tant qu' Versailles en fourmille Y eut-il cent Bourbons chez nous, Y a du pain, du laurier pour tous."

On the subject of the prizes your excellency is pleased to state: "Les difficultés survenues dans le jugement des prizes ont eu des motifs si connus et positifs qu'il est assez doloureux de les voir attribuir

At their head marched the ci-devant porter in a great state of excitement. He began a fresh harangue in negro French. "Croire Anglais tues tous Francais. Voir Francais. Trouver pere. Contents, tous contents. Envoie commandant a nous. Pitit-Roi. Contents, tous contents. Tous femmes, tous filles a toi, tous contents!" "Think English killed all French. See Frenchman. Find father. Glad, all glad.

"Many men come here about sunset," he said. "We sit and drink a little rum before dark; it is good against the fever." "I will come also," said Simpson, rising. "It is every evening?" "Every evening." The carpenter's right hand rose to the pouch which was not a scapular and he caressed it. "Au revoir," said Simpson suddenly. "'Voir," the carpenter replied, still immobile in his chair by the door.

One by one as his name was called each took his seat in the witness chair upon the voir dire and perjured himself like a gentleman in order to escape from service, shyly confessing to an ineradicable prejudice against the entire Italian race and this defendant in particular, and to an antipathy against capital punishment which, so each unhesitatingly averred, would render him utterly incapable of satisfactorily performing his functions if selected as a juryman.

"Non, je ne comprends pas de plus charmant plaisir Que de voir d'heritiers une troupe affligee Le maintien interdit, et la mine allongee, Lire un long testament ou pales, etonnes On leur laisse un bonsoir avec un pied de nez. Pour voir au naturel leur tristesse profonde Je reviendrais, je crois, expres de l'autre monde." REGNARD: Le Legataire Universel.

She said, or she acted as if she said, "JE NE VEUX RIEN VOIR, RIEN ECOUTER, RIEN SAVOIR." Lady Oranmore is one of the most respectable

Je n'ai pu les voir, parce qu'on ne permet point aux chrétiens d'en approcher; mais un homme digne de foi m'a dit qu'il y a toujours, pour les garder, un corps de trois cents hommes, et que ce corps est renouvelé de deux en deux mois.