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Shortly before his death it was vouchsafed him to proclaim to his loyal brother, "Voici ma carte pour la postérité," pointing to the manuscript of his "Egyptian Grammar," of which the last chapter was still missing.

"Le voila," answered the cool Frenchman, "dat is our espion our agent our friend ma foi c'etait un grand scelerat voici." While speaking, Sanglier bent over the dead body, and thrust his hand into a pocket of the Quartermaster, out of which he drew a purse. Emptying the contents on the ground, several double-louis rolled towards the soldiers, who were not slow in picking them up.

"Merci," replied O'Brien, putting the handkerchief which contained the map into his pocket, "voici

The tradesmen cry out as they come up the avenue: ‘Me Voici! C’est Moiboulangerme tirez pas, Monsieur Frenche!’ It is like living in a state of siege, and the wonderful manner in which the cat preserves the character of being the only person not much put out by the intensity of this monomania is most ridiculous.

The following letter was written on his first journey to London for the "Saturday Review ": "CHERE PETITE FEMME, Me voici installe dans un fort joli appartement tout pres de chez Mr. Mackay, a une guinee par semaine; j'y suis tout-a-fait bien. "Samedi dernier je suis alle d'abord chez Mr.

The glare from the lights fell on her face as she stood by her father's chair, looking curiously at the quack-doctor who, having sold many bottles of his medicines, noy picked up a guitar and began singing an old dialect chanson of Saintonge: "Voici, the day has come When Rosette leaves her home! With fear she walks in the sun, For Raoul is ninety year, And she not twenty-one.

Instead of repeating anything I had taught her, she began in French: "Marie, enfant, quitte l'ouvrage, Voici l'etoille du berger." "Ma mere, un enfant du village Languit captif chez l'etranger; Pris sur mer, loin de sa patrie, Il c'est rendu, mais le dernier." File, file, pauvre Marie, Pour secourir le prisonnier; File, file, pauvre Marie, File, file, pour le prisonnier.

I was obliged to make Dalgleish shut the windows when he appeared at half-past six, as usual, and did not rise till nine, when me voici. I have often deserved a headache in my younger days without having one, and Nature is, I suppose, paying off old scores.

The resemblance struck her; she would cry aloud to the men 'Voici Monsieur Geelby, le poulet qui a peur de descendre! The fact that at the thought of mimicking Gilby Zilda was roused to an unwarranted glow of excitement showed, had any one been wise enough to see it, that she felt some inward cause of pleasurable excitement at the mention of his name.

"Le voici ah! ma chère Mam'selle Alide, que ce Monsieur le marin se fâchait