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This had been a house of a witty host, a merry girl, junketting guests; a house of hilarious thunders, lightnings of fun and fancy. Death never seemed more voiceful than in that wagging of the bell. For conscience' sake, as became a trusty emissary, he walked round to the back of the house, to verify the total emptiness.

The colored flames leaped singing from his forge, so that the Northern sky seemed to be lighted by a thousand rainbows; but above all this voiceful glory beamed the Star, bright, beautiful, serene. Coming late to the cabin in the fir-grove, Claus wondered that no sign of his father or of his mother was to be seen. "Father mother!" he cried, but he received no answer.

Gladness she could hardly bear possessed her when she saw on Stella's face the expression of interest which not everyone could call forth. She did not ask why she was so glad; for this one evening it might be allowed her to rest and forget and enjoy. There was singing, and the sweetest of the songs went home with her and lived in her heart all through a night which was too voiceful for sleep.

I must hurry now. He's waiting just over that hill ahead." He saw her ascend the rise with a new spring in her step. When she reached the top, he saw her pause and look from side to side below her, then start hopefully down toward the next hill. A mile beyond, back of a great cloud of dust, He found a drove of cattle, and back of these, hot and voiceful, came the good Bishop Wright.

"Ladies and gentlemen," and this Voiceful Speech was loud, "I'm here to answer the questions of this contrivance behind me. But first let me tell you that though I'm on the ballot as the candidate of the Republican party, I do not want the backing of the Republican machine. I'm running as an Independent, and I shall act as an Independent.

This peculiarity was noticeable to outsiders, to their own circle, to their children. At mere mention of the trees the shadow of coming cloud would lessen, then waste, then grow invisible. Their mutual love for these voiceless yet voiceful and kingly creations was as the love of children for a flower simple, nameless, beautiful and powerful beyond words.

"I take Hermann's praise of the versus dochmiachus to be not only serious but unexaggerated," said Vernon. Dr. Middleton assented and entered on the voiceful ground of Greek metres, shoving your dry dusty world from his elbow. The morning of Lucy Darleton's letter of reply to her friend Clara was fair before sunrise, with luminous colours that are an omen to the husbandman.

Had his seeming nearness to the stars in the convent loggia brought him a premonition of the later message which had made him the "friend and master" of Galileo? Did he develop his "Laws of Sound" in that voiceful silence; or was it in that solitude he had first watched the gentle ebb and flow of his own life-current and learned the secret which Harvey, later, uttered to the world?

As we heard no more of the three Lord Shaftesburys, so Bottles and his unwelcome society were permitted to remain unchronicled. In the latter department seriousness came upon Mr Arnold; in the former, if not a total, yet a general and certainly most welcome silence. Most welcome: for he was voiceful enough on other and his proper subjects.

He is the author of several books and is in popular demand as a lecturer. Born in 1856 There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification. I Cor. xiv., 10. Ours is a voiceful era.