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How solemn is the night! how still the heavens and earth! the very stars are as hushed, as if intent on the events that are to pass below! So solemn and so still feels mine own spirit, and an awe unknown till now warns me that I approach the crisis of my daring fate!" "Ora voglio contare la morte del Tribuno." "Now will I narrate the death of the Tribune." "Life of Cola di Rienzi".

Boniface VIII had no prepossessions in Florence, except for energy and an open hand; the side which was most popular he would have accepted and backed. But he said, "Io non voglio perdere gli uomini perle femminelle."

They dropped hints of having been engaged in some political conspiracy; and one of them said, with a curious mixture of Italian and Norsk words "Jeg voglio ikke ritornare." We sailed early the next morning, and in the afternoon reached Vardö, where we lay three hours. Here we took on board the three officers, who had in the meantime made their inspection.

Mr Bloom, availing himself of the right of free speech, he having just a bowing acquaintance with the language in dispute, though, to be sure, rather in a quandary over voglio, remarked to his protégé in an audible tone of voice a propos of the battle royal in the street which was still raging fast and furious: A beautiful language. I mean for singing purposes.

Then shall we descend to the beach again, and get into a boat, and lie down, and find ourselves shot into the Blue Grotto find ourselves floating between heaven and earth in a hollow-sounding globe of azure flame?... Dreams dreams! "Io te voglio bene assaje, e tu non pienz' a me!" During the first period of Miss Burgoyne's engagement to Lionel Moore, all went well.

"Adesso sto bene!" The plunge had made him suddenly feel tremendously young and triumphant, reckless with a happiness that thrilled with audacity. As he waded out he began to sing in a loud voice: "Ciao, ciao, ciao, Morettina bella ciao, Prima di partire Un bacio ti voglio da'."

BLOOM: Yes, ma'am? MARION: ti trema un poco il cuore? BLOOM: Are you sure about that voglio? I mean the pronunciati... THE BAWD: Ten shillings a maidenhead. Fresh thing was never touched. Fifteen. There's no-one in it only her old father that's dead drunk. BRIDIE: Hatch street. Any good in your mind? A burly rough pursues with booted strides. He stumbles on the steps, recovers, plunges into gloom.

"Do you remember what Michael Angelo said when he turned and looked at it before riding away to Rome to build St. Peter's? 'Come te non voglio: meglio di te non posso." "I am always struck by his generosity of feeling towards other artists," remarked Mrs. Hartley. "Except towards Raffaelle, perhaps.

One poor cobbler, however, living at the end of a blind alley, had no flag, no garland to deck his abode: he had therefore pasted three strips of coloured paper, red, white and green, over his door, inscribing on the middle strip these words, which in their sublime simplicity merit to be rescued from oblivion: 'O mia cara Italia, voglio ma non posso fare più per te.

She had gone onwards through the usual phases of surprising herself in the act of thinking of him at all sorts of hours, and gradually discovering that he filled an immense portion of her lonely life there in the strange city, till she came to the stage of mingling the avowal "Gli voglio tanto bene" with her last prayers to Mary Mother by her bedside at night, and meditating on the words he had said and the looks be had looked, after she had laid her head upon the pillow.