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His motto was: "bene vixit qui bene latuit he has lived well who has kept himself well hidden" and his contention was always that in proportion as one could keep himself in the background his cause prospered, if it was a good cause. When kings and queens came visiting, he could not always keep in hiding, though he often tried.

"For mine own particular," he said, "I will say with the poet, 'Crede mihi, bene qui latuit bene vixit, Et intra fortunam debet quisque manere suam."

The cross and sword might possibly indicate martyrdom; the laurels and thorn fame. Certainly there were no signs that the dumb occupant of that sealed coffer was a monarch of merely earthly power and state. When the alabaster came to be thoroughly cleansed and polished, part of the inscription could be deciphered in the following letters of worn gold: Sancta. vixit.

"My affairs," said the Archbishop, slowly, "are what might be called in nubibus cloudy, my dear boy, distinctly cloudy. I am, to adopt a homely simile, at present under a neighbor's umbrella, which is not as sound as it might be. Behold me, none the less, in that state of content to which the poet Horace has happily referred nec vixit male qui natus moriensque fefellit.

Lysimachus was the father of Aristides. SUNT: = vivunt, as often; so in 32 esse = vivere; 54 fuit = vixit; 56, 60, 69. SEPULCRA LEGENS: Cato was a great antiquarian; cf. 38 Originum. IN MEMORIAM REDEO MORTUORUM: the genitive as with memini, recordari etc. For the phrase cf. Verr. 1, 120 redite in memoriam, iudices, quae libido istius fuerit; also below, 59 in gratiam redire cum voluptate.