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So Vix overtook him with a couple of bounds and dragged him again into the open for the children to worry. Again and again this rough sport went on till one of the little ones was badly bitten, and his squeal of pain roused Vix to end the woodchuck's misery and serve him up at once. Not far from the den was a hollow overgrown with coarse grass, the playground of a colony of field-mice.

In front of the elegant Borghese entrance, and round the Park lodge, all strewn about in picturesque disarray, we behold one of those numerous herds of goats, which come in every morning, to be milked at the different houseouse doors: their udders at present are brimful, and almost touch the lintel of the gate where they are standing "gravido superant vix ubere limen;" and though they are emptied continually, soon fill again,

And God forbid, Captain Waverley, that we of irreproachable lineage should exult over him, when it may be, that in the eighth, ninth, or tenth generation, his progeny may rank, in a manner, with the old gentry of the country. Rank and ancestry, sir, should be the last words in the mouths of us of unblemished race VIX EA NOSTRA VOCO, as Naso saith.

This was very perplexing, so the squirrel came down the trunk and peeping about made a nervous dash across the grass, to another tree, again to scold from a safe perch. "You brute you, you useless brute, scarrr-scarrrrr." But flat and lifeless on the grass lay Vix. This was most tantalizing to the squirrel.

'Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur. 'Of course. Indeed, with the gods of Olympus it was quite the other way. Nothing could be more absurd than their goings on. Ida was delighted at her friend's happiness, and was never tired of hearing about Mr. Jardine's virtues. Love had already begun to exercise a sobering influence upon Bessie. She no longer romped with the boys, and she wore gloves.

If I had unknown events in my possession, I should think with great ease to out-do those that are recorded, in all sorts of examples. Is it not strange that even of the Greeks and Romans, with so many writers and witnesses, and so many rare and noble exploits, so few are arrived at our knowledge: "Ad nos vix tenuis famx perlabitur aura."

His account of the difficulties of his journey, gives a very tender image of pastoral distress: En ipse capellas Protenus aeger ago: hanc etiam vix, Tityre, duco: Hic inter densas corylos modo namque gemellos, Spem gregis, ah! silice in nuda connixa reliquit. Ec. i. 12. And lo! sad partner of the general care. Weary and faint I drive my goats afar!

He was naturally curious and disposed to be venturesome, so again he came to the ground and scurried across the glade nearer than before. Still as death lay Vix, "surely she was dead." And the little foxes began to wonder if their mother wasn't asleep. But the squirrel was working himself into a little craze of foolhardy curiosity.

But another way more sure, but harder to play, is to lead the hounds straight to a high trestle just ahead of the train, so that the engine overtakes them on it and they are surely dashed to destruction. This trick was skilfully played, and down below we found the mangled remains of old Ranger and learned that Vix was already wreaking her revenge.

Sir Francis Vere was of that ancient, and of the most noble extract of the earls of Oxford; and it may be a question whether the nobility of his house, or the honour of his achievements, might most commend him, but that we have an authentic rule: "Nam genus et proavos et quae nos non fecimus ipsi, Vix ea nostra voco."