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or hurt in the head, whom we hear to mutter, and by fits to utter grievous groans; though we gather from these signs by which it seems as if they had some remains of consciousness, and that there are movements of the body; I have always believed, I say, both the body and the soul benumbed and asleep, "Vivit, et est vitae nescius ipse suae,"

Luther was once surprised by some friends sitting at a table from which a meal had been removed, and thoughtfully tracing with his fingers upon its surface with some drop of water or wine the one word 'Vivit'; He lives. He fell back upon that when all around was dark. Yes, men may go; what of that? Aaron may have to ascend to the summit of Hor, and put off his priestly garments and die there.

"Vivit, et est vitae nescius ipse suae." Ovid. We have now reached the second phase of life; infancy, strictly so-called, is over; for the words infans and puer are not synonymous. The latter includes the former, which means literally "one who cannot speak;" thus Valerius speaks of puerum infantem. When children begin to talk they cry less.

Properly said of a veto interposed by the Tribunes; then of any prohibition. Non quia==not that, is characteristic of late writers. It is followed by the subj. Z. 537, and note H. 1, 15. Manet, mansurumque est. Cf. Vell. Paterc. 2, 66, 5: vivit, vivetque per omnem saeculorum memoriam. See Z. 498. Oblivio obruet, sc. for want of a historian, carent quia vate sacro, cf. Hor. Od. 4, 9, 25, seq.

Some one asked Rodaja, who had been the happiest man in the world? To which he answered "Nemo, seeing that Nemo novit patrem Nemo sine crimine vivit Nemo sua sorte contentus Nemo ascendit in coelum," &c. &c.

Hei, Domine, I beseech you, in nomine Patris, Filii, et Spiritus sancti, Amen, to restore unto us our bells: and God keep you from evil, and our Lady from health, qui vivit et regnat per omnia secula seculorum, Amen. Hem, hashchehhawksash, qzrchremhemhash. Verum enim vero, quandoquidem, dubio procul.

"There" said the Antiquary to Sir Arthur "we won't dispute but there you see the gratitude of the poor people naturally turns to the civil virtues of your family. You don't hear them talk of Redhand, or Hell-in-Harness. For me, I must say, Odi accipitrem qui semper vivit in armis so let us eat and drink in peace, and be joyful, Sir Knight."

Francis of Sales to be its popular teacher and missionary. The houses of Carmel were like the holy house of Nazareth to it; and the colleges of the Jesuits, its peaceful sojourns in dark Egypt." Galat. ii. 20: "Vivo autem, jam non ego; vivit vero in me Christus." Lukewarmness. The Loss of Grace. Inconvenience of Laxity in Religious Houses.

The Church of the Nativity was repaired, and again rose in beauty over the faithful who flocked there to worship. Yet there was a stranger priest at the altar, and often after Mass the people would gather around a marble slab just before the altar, on which was written: "Credo quod Redemptor meus vivit."

"Ah! the nation that produced 'Le philosophe sans le savoir. And now it has added, 'Le philosophe sans le vouloir, and you have stumbled on him. What a life for an aged man! Fortunatus ille senex qui ludicola vivit. Tantalus handcuffed and glowering over a gambling-table; a hell in a hell." "Oh, Harrington! "Exclamations not allowed in sober argument, Zoe."