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Their enthusiasm and their vivats were all for the reformer Pope. It is far from being matter of surprise to Catholic people, at least, that the See of Rome should be the first to practice the virtuesthe high morality which it teaches.

Throughout the vast train shouts and vivats were heard, and the proud voices of this happy people filled the air as with the thunder of artillery. "Long life to the king! Long life to Frederick the Great!" The carriage came nearer and nearer, and now myriads of lights danced around it. The citizens had returned with their torches, and the carriage of Frederick rolled on as if in a sea of fire.

As soon as her head appeared inside the gate the drums beat, there were loud vivats, a wooden arm-chair was brought, and Mademoiselle was hoisted on the men's shoulders in it and carried along the street; but she soon had enough of this, caused herself to be set down, and we all joined her, very dirty, rather frightened, and very merry.

The joyous "vivats" then I shout; Watchword and battle-cry shall be: Austria, for thee! The landscape far and near I know; The birds and brooks and forests fair Send me their greetings on the air; The Danube sparkles down below; St. Stephen's spire far in the blue Seems waving me a welcome too. Warm to its core my heart shall be, Austria, for thee!