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In the background were faint stars and nebulous masses of light, too distant to be resolved into separate stars a true representation of the actual sky. As both men stared, fascinated, into the visiplate, Seaton touched the lever and they apparently traveled directly along the center line of that ever-widening wedge.

That's a purely Osnomian war-gadget kind of a battleship detector shows that there's a boatload of bad news around here somewhere. Grab the visiplates quick, folks," as he rang Shiro's bell. "I'll take visiplate area one, dead ahead. Mart, take number two. Dot, three; Peg, four; Shiro, five. Look sharp!... Nothing in front. See anything, any of you?"

When he turns on the visiplate, he is horrified to find that a mysterious ray of unparalleled power has neatly sliced the Arcturus in several places. Nadia and Stevens are completely separated from the rest of the crew and passengers of the ship, so they get into a lifeboat, which is equipped for a limited amount of space travel.

"This planet Martin picked out is all wet, literally. The visibility is fine very few clouds but this whole half of it is solid ocean. If there are any islands, even, they're mighty small." All four looked into the receiver. With the great magnification employed, the planet almost filled the visiplate.

Verkan Vall went to the newscast visiplate and snapped it on. "We'll see if I'm getting results, yet." The plate lighted, and a handsome young man in a gold-laced green suit was speaking out of it: "... where he is heavily guarded by Assassins.

They all hooked fingers and clapped shoulders with the newcomer. "That won't be needed," Verkan Vall told Dirzed. "I know you from seeing you with the Lady Dallona, on the visiplate; you're 'Dirzed, her faithful Assassin." Dirzed's face, normally the color of a good walnut gunstock, turned almost black. He used shockingly bad language.

Yet, looking into the visiplate, he was out in space in person, hurtling through space at a pace beside which the best effort of the Skylark seemed the veriest crawl. Swinging his controls to look backward, he gasped as he saw, so stupendous was their velocity, that the green system was only barely discernible as a faint green star!

For several days the Galaxy behind them had been dwindling from a mass of stars down to a huge bright lens; down to a small, faint lens; down to a faintly luminous patch. At the previous cast of the detector it had still been visible as a barely-perceptible point of light in the highest telescopic power of the visiplate.

He knew that he was seated motionless in the operator's chair in the base of the rigidly anchored primary projector, and by taking his eyes away from the visiplate before him, he could see that nothing in the laboratory had changed, except that the pyrotechnic display from the power-bar was of unusual intensity.

"Slow down!" commanded Crane. "I see a submarine ahead. I thought it might be a whale at first, but it is a boat and it is what we are aiming for. You are constantly swinging with it, keeping it exactly in the line." "O.K." Seaton reduced the power and swung the visiplate over in front of him, whereupon the detector lamp went out.