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What is remarkable is that animals inoculated with the attenuated micrococcus become for a varying length of time refractory to the action of the most formidable parasites of this kind. Mr. Pasteur has discovered two such vaccine viri one for chicken cholera and the other for charbon.

Et ea insecuta sunt reipublicae tempora, quae sileri Agricolam non sinerent: tot exercitus in Moesia Daciaque et Germania Pannoniaque, temeritate aut per ignaviam ducum amissi: tot militares viri cum tot cohortibus expugnati et capti: nec jam de limite imperii et ripa, sed de hibernis legionum et possessione dubitatum.

Elizabeth then smote herself upon the breast, and cried, with great energy, "'Illa que virgo viri; and is it not quite the same to you, even if I do not assume the sovereignty, since I intend to protect you, and since therefore the effects will be the same?

An eis, quae iuventute geruntur et viribus? Nullaene igitur res sunt seniles, quae vel infirmis corporibus animo tamen administrentur? Nihil ergo agebat Q. Maximus, nihil L. Paulus, pater tuus, socer optimi viri fili mei?

The vaulting has five arches, and is wrought superbly in stucco, and it is also divided by pictures in certain ovals, containing scenes executed with the most perfect beauty that could be achieved; and the walls are painted down to the floor with many seated figures of captains in armour, some drawn from life and some from imagination, and representing all the ancient and modern captains of the house of Doria, and above them are large letters of gold, which run thus "Magni viri, maximi duces, optima fecere pro patria."

In media India transitur per multas insulas vsque ad mare Oceanum, in insulam Ormuz, vbi Mercatores Venetiae saepe tendunt, sed viri, qui assueti non sunt tantum sustinere calorem, ne exeant perpendicula de corporibus prope ad genua, ibi se contra hoc debite inuoluunt, et ligant, nec audent ibi transire nauibus ferrum continentibus, ne teneantur de rupibus adamantum.

G. Cassander, in his book de Officio pii Viri, relates unto us how he was entered into this course, and conceived this purpose of reconciliation, and tells, that from his youthhood, he was most observant of ecclesiastical ceremonies, yet so, that he abhorred all superstition.

De Vita Propria, ch. xxxvii. p. 115. "Musicam, sed hanc anno post VI. scilicet MDLXXIV. correxi et transcribi curavi." De Vita Propria, ch. xlv. p. 176. This is on p. 164. Judicium de Cardano. "Ita nostra ætate, lapsi sunt clarissimi alioqui viri in hoc genere.

With these are admitted also "Viri Romae," Nepos, Florus, Phaedrus, and even the Latin grammar, because they count, playing here upon these mimic boards the silent but awful part of second and third conspirators, a rôle in after years assumed by statelier and more celebrated volumes the "books without which no gentleman's library can be complete."

Litterarum secreta==litteras secretas, secret correspondence between the sexes, for this limitation is obvious from the connexion. Praesens. Immediate. Maritis permissa, sc. as a domestic crime, cf. Caes. B.G. 6, 19: Viri in uxores, sicut in liberos, vitae necisque habent potestatem. Cf. Beck. Gall., Exc. 1. Sc. 1. Accisis crinibus, as a special mark of disgrace, cf. 1 Cor. 11, 6.