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"I quite agree with you, Alban; Honoria Vipont is a very superior young lady." "I knew you would think so!" cried the Colonel, with more warmth than usual to him.

But just when I was intertwining what is left of my life with the bright threads of his, he snaps the web asunder: he quits this London world again; says he will return to it no more." GEORGE. "Yet I did hear that he proposed to renew his parliamentary career; nay, that he was about to form a second marriage, with Honoria Vipont?" COLONEL MORLEY. "Mere gossip-not true.

As he was in company with two gentlemen, the Comte de Marplat and Monsieur de Vipont, I shall be glad if you would kindly act as my second, and if you can find another officer who would do so, I shall be glad of his services also."

But, luckily for her, Vipont Crooke's daughter, her cousin and intimate friend, had married Darrell, the famous Darrell, who was then at the bar. It is very useful to have cousins married to clever people. He was interested in her case, took it up. I believe it did not come on in the courts in which Darrell practised.

CARR VIPONT. "You had, and never told me!" COLONEL MORLEY. "Of no importance to you, my dear Carr. CARR VIPONT. "Yes, a handsome scamp; went to the dogs. So Darrell takes up Charlie's son: what! as his heir?" COLONEL MORLEY. "In his letter to me he anticipated that question in the negative." CARR VIPONT. "Has Darrell any nearer kinsman?" COLONEL MORLEY. "Not that I know of."

And it might well not only flatter the vanity, but beguile the judgment, of a man who feared his hand would be accepted only for the sake of his money, that Flora just at this moment refused the greatest match in the kingdom, young Lord Vipont, son of the new Earl of Montfort, a young man of good sense, high character, well- looking as men go heir to estates almost royal; a young man whom no girl on earth is justified in refusing.

"Three hours," replied Vipont. "You don't suggest that a skilled scout blundered right on top of them?" "Not at all," his questioner hastened to assert. "For one thing after he followed us he would be on a diverging route to that taken by Fritz & Co. What do you say, Wilmshurst?" Dudley shook his head.

"No, no Jasper Losely!" "I hope not. What does Dr. F. say?" "He will not tell me. But it is not the paralysis alone; he might recover from that so young still. There are other symptoms; that dreadful habit of stimulants! He sinks if he has them not they hasten death if he has. Lady Montfort's carriage stopped at Colonel Morley's door just as Carr Vipont was coming out.

Those who had concurred in the challenge adhered to his party of course, excepting only Ralph de Vipont, whom his fall had rendered unfit so soon to put on his armour. There was no want of distinguished and noble candidates to fill up the ranks on either side.

In the reign of Henry IV. the House of Vipont reaped the benefit of its past forbearance and modesty.