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They allude to their mother now and then in conversation, Wilson tells me; but I would recommend you, Madame Vine, not to encourage them in that. They had better forget her." "Mr. Carlyle would naturally wish them to do so." "Most certainly. There is little doubt that Mr. Carlyle would blot out the recollection of her, were it possible.

"He will follow underneath;" and reaching up, tie went hand over hand, using his toes very much like fingers to help. Then he lowered a rope which he had coiled round his waist; and Mr. Hume, putting the loop under his arm, trusted his weight to the swaying vine. Venning and Compton followed, with the help of the rope, but the river-man declined.

It was only a bird, and as I looked again at the rock it seemed as if a spray of vine had blown athwart it, which was not there before. I gazed intently, and, following the spray into the shadow, I saw something liquid and mottled like a toad's skin. As I stared it flickered and shimmered. 'Twas only the light on a wet leaf, I told myself; but surely it had not been there before.

The ivy heard them, and she loved the oak-tree more and more. And, although the ivy was now the most umbrageous and luxuriant vine in all the greenwood, the oak-tree regarded her still as the tender little thing he had laughingly called to his feet that spring day, many years before, the same little ivy he had told about the stars, the clouds, and the birds.

He paused, for he saw that for the first time since they had known each other, Adone was not listening to him. Adone was staring up at the moon which hung, golden and full, in the dark blue sky, seeming framed in the leaves and coils of the vine. "The river is mine," he muttered. "The river and I are as brothers. They shall kill me before they touch the water."

The rich glow of the Peninsular landscape was still fresh in my memory, the luxurious verdure; the olive, the citron, and the vine; the fair valleys teeming with abundance; the mountains terraced with their vineyards; the blue transparent sky spreading o'er all; while the very air was rife with the cheering song of birds that peopled every grove. What a contrast was here!

Hear, then, the two spirits speak for themselves. The first main sculpture of the Gothic Palace is on what I have called the angle of the Fig-tree: Its subject is the FALL OF MAN. The second sculpture is on the angle of the Vine: Its subject is the DRUNKENNESS OF NOAH. The Renaissance sculpture is on the Judgment angle: Its subject is the JUDGMENT OF SOLOMON.

Irwin cut a grape vine, and making one end secure at the entrance, provided a hand rail, by the aid of which I was able to easily descend the stepless way and afterwards remount. The first chamber entered is the principal portion of the cave, and by actual measurement is forty-nine feet in length by forty-eight in greatest width and the height estimated at fifty feet.

If we believe St. John, he represented himself as the Light of the world, as the Shepherd of the souls of men, as the Way to immortality, as the Vine or Life-tree of humanity. And if we refuse to believe that he used those words, we cannot deny, without rejecting all the evidence before us, that he used words which have substantially the same meaning.

I have Bordeaux just arrived; and de young gentlemen, dey surely like something and my goot friend Hamed, we know each oder, and surely de Prophet not object to him to take just a little vine for him tummuck."