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L'esprit vous satisfait, ou du moins vous console: Mais on préférerait de vivre jeune et folle, Et laisser aux vieillards exempts de passions La triste gravité de leurs reflexions. Nobody can make more of youth than I, and as I am holding to it by memory, I am following your example, and fit in with the present as well as I know how. Would to Heaven, Madame Mazarin had been of your opinion!

I cannot help it any more, that is certain, and feel about that as about all things that have had their day it must go. Taglioni is like a dream, and you must not abuse Mademoiselle Mars to me. I never saw her but twice in "L'Ecole des Vieillards" and "Valérie" and I thought her perfection in both.... If I do not leave off, you will be blind for the next fortnight with reading this crossed letter.

And thus Talbot ran on into a strain of conversation, half serious, half gay, which lasted till Clarence went upstairs to lie down and muse on Lady Flora Ardenne. La vie eat un sommeil. Les vieillards sont ceux dont le sommeil a ete plus long: ils ne commencent a se reveiller que quand il faut mourir.

In order to go from Boulogne to the camp of the right wing, there was only one road, which began in the Rue des Vieillards, and passed over the cliff, between the barrack of his Majesty and those of Bruix, Soult, and Decres, so that if at low tide the Emperor wished to go down upon the beach, a long detour was necessary.

Besides connecting me with the lost but unforgotten note of waiting service and sympathy that quavered on the Merridew air, they represented just for intrinsic charm more than I could at any moment have given a plain account of; they fell, by their ineffable history, every trio I ever touched, into the category of such prized phenomena as my memory, for instance, of fairly hanging about the Rue des Vieillards, at the season I speak of, through the apprehension that something vague and sweet if I shouldn't indeed rather say something of infinite future point and application would come of it.

Bobby, is bright with potted ferns and flowering plants, and on its walls, besides the photographs of a large and unusually plain family, I have two works of art which inspire me anew every time I gaze at them: the first a scriptural subject, treated by an enthusiastic but inexperienced hand, 'Susanne dans le Bain, surprise par les Deux Vieillards'; the second, 'The White Witch of Worcester on her Way to the Stake at High Cross. The unfortunate lady in the latter picture is attired in a white lawn wrapper with angel sleeves, and is followed by an abbess with prayer-book, and eight surpliced choir-boys with candles.

Her Celimène and her Elmire I never had the good fortune to see, but can imagine, from her performance of the heroine in Casimir de la Vigne's capital play of "L'Ecole des Vieillards," how well she must have deserved her unrivaled reputation in those parts. It is remarkable that one of the most striking points in Madame d'Orval was suggested by herself to the author.

That was perhaps after all the pivot of my revolution the question of whether or no I should at a given moment find the old picture replaced. I made this, when I had the luck, pass for an event yet an event which would have to have had for its scene the precious Rue des Vieillards, and pale though may be the recital of such pleasures I lose myself in depths of kindness for my strain of ingenuity.

And thus Talbot ran on into a strain of conversation, half serious, half gay, which lasted till Clarence went upstairs to lie down and muse on Lady Flora Ardenne. La vie eat un sommeil. Les vieillards sont ceux donc le sommeil a ete plus long: ils ne commencent a se reveiller que quand il faut mourir.

In order to go from Boulogne to the camp of the right wing, there was only one road, which began in the Rue des Vieillards, and passed over the cliff, between the barrack of his Majesty and those of Bruix, Soult, and Decres, so that if at low tide the Emperor wished to go down upon the beach, a long detour was necessary.