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Venetia consoled her mother; she affected even a gaiety of spirit; she was sure that Vicenzo would turn out to be right, after all; Pauncefort said he always was right, and that they were at Leghorn. The day wore apace; the noon arrived and passed; it was even approaching sunset.

Of that transaction I shall give a particular account, as it will show in a very strong light the nature and proceedings of that horrid court. The person whom the Inquisitor appointed me to apprehend was Count Vicenzo della Torre, descended from an illustrious family in Germany, and possessed of a very considerable estate in the territory of Macerata.

'Does Vicenzo really think they could have reached Leghorn? said Venetia, clinging to every fragment of hope. 'He is morally sure of it, Miss Venetia, said Pauncefort, 'and I feel quite as certain, for Vicenzo is always right. 'I had confidence about Sarzana, said Venetia; 'I really did believe they were at Sarzana.

They were fishing for anchovies, my lady, close by, my lady, near Sarzana; two young men, or rather one about the same age as master, and one like my lord; cousins, my lady, and just in the same sort of boat, my lady; and there came on a squall, just the same sort of squall, my lady; and they did not return home; and everyone was frightened out of their wits, my lady, and their wives and families quite distracted; and after all they were at Leghorn; for this sort of wind always takes your open boats to Leghorn, Vicenzo says.

Who was the foreigner who gave to the world the very interesting book respecting Sanuto under the following title? Ragguagli sulla Vita e sulle Opere di Marin Sanuto, &c. Intitolati dall' amicizia di uno Straniere al nobile Jacopo Vicenzo Foscarini. Opera divise in trè perti, Venezia, 1837-8. in 8vo.

Thence he went to Lisbon, where he entered the service of Vicenzo Fonseca, archbishop of Goa, where he arrived in 1583. He returned to Europe in 1589, having visited most of Southern Asia. His principal work is his "Relation", published first in Dutch at the Hague in 1591.

He felt, as he expressed it, that he was incessantly called by his daughter his pulse intermitted his heart was agitated with unceasing palpitations his appetite entirely left him, and he considered his dissolution so near at hand, that he would not permit his son Vicenzo to set out upon a journey which he had contemplated.

'They would have returned, Pauncefort, said Venetia, 'or they would have sent. They are not at Sarzana. 'La! Miss Venetia, why should they be at Sarzana? Why should they not have gone much farther on! For, as Vicenzo was just saying to me, and Vicenzo knows all about the coast, with such a wind as this, I should not be surprised if they were at Leghorn.

The mother of the Emperor, Letitia, in 1814, had retained her title of Imperatrice Mere, and had retired to Rome. She then went to Elba in June, and stayed there with her daughter Pauline until Napoleon had sailed for France. On 2d March 1814 she went from Elba to San Vicenzo near Leghorn, and then to Rome.

One hour after we had left the grove of olives, we arrived at the little port of San Vicenzo, where Hans claimed his thirteen week's wages, which was counted out to him with a hearty shaking of hands all round.