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Thus, in writing to a father who is above everything else a "business man," the following form is suggested: A Correct Letter to a Prospective Father-in-Law Who Is a Business Man My letter, 10-6-22 Your letter, In reply please refer to: File Love personal N. Y. 1922 No. G, 16 19 Mr. Harrison Williams, Vice-Pres. Kinnear-Williams Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y.

Ordained a priest in 1795, he became Vice-Pres. and Prof. of Philosophy at the latter coll. In 1806 he pub. In the preparation of this work L. had access to material hitherto unpub., and not available for Protestant historians, such as documents in the Vatican and other Roman Catholic sources, and was consequently able to throw new light on various parts of his subject.

+ + | | | McQuiggan & Straight | | STREAKY MOUNTAIN COPPER COMPANY | | Orsten, Palas County, Nev. | | | | | | L.P. MCQUIGGAN ARTHUR STRAIGHT | | President Vice-Pres. & Treas. | | | + + "Any good?" queried the Doctor. "Best undeveloped property in the State." "Why don't you develop it?" "Capital." "Get the capital." "Will you help me?" "Sure." "How?" "Advertise." "Advertising costs money."

Black said she was too busy. "I will be in London to meet you on the 1st as arranged & give you any further news you want. Until then, I remain, Yrs. Truly, A. Preblesham, Vice-Pres. in Chge of Field Operations, Cons. Pem." I cannot say Preblesham's report was particularly enlightening, but it at least squelched any notion the Grass might be dying of itself.

Thus a Congressman, writing a "public letter," would cast it in the following form: A Correct "Public Letter" from a Congressman Mr. Ellison Lothrop, Vice-Pres. Washington Co.. "Better Citizenship" League,